Email Campaigns



The Email Campaigns feature allows marketers and recruiters with the Mass/Drip Email privilege in Source to build sequences of emails that will be sent automatically to statically or dynamically defined audiences.

On the Email Campaigns screen, users with access can:

  • View Active, Completed, or Canceled email campaigns
  • Perform actions on campaigns depending on the campaign status
  • Create new campaigns
  • Filter campaigns by Type or Status, and sort the list by any field


All Users

Must have Mass/Drip Email Privilege in Source

Email Campaigns List

To access the Email Campaigns List, navigate to the Campaigns tab > Messages dropdown > Email Campaigns.

access email campaigns list.png

Each email campaign record shows the following column details:

  • Name – Campaign name
  • Recipients – Total number of recipients in that campaign.
  • Status – Campaign status, such as New, Scheduled, In Progress, Completing, Completed, Paused, Cancelled, or Error. NOTE: The default view does not include campaigns in Completing, Competed, or Canceled status. You can use the Status filter to find campaigns in any of these statuses.
  • Type – Campaign type, including Single Use or Ongoing.
  • Start Date Time – The scheduled start of the campaign.
  • Duration – Total duration of the campaign, measured in months and days.
  • Emails – Number of emails created for that campaign.
  • Date Created – The date when the email campaign was created.
  • Created By – The name of the user who created the email campaign.
  • Action menu – Three dots at the end of each campaign row that allow you to perform the action on the campaign depending on its status. The actions include Schedule/Unschedule, View Details, View Report, View/Edit Emails, Edit, Clone, Complete, and Delete.

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The Email Campaigns screen will display all active email campaigns in your company. Within this screen, users can:

  • View any email campaign in the company.
  • Sort the campaigns list by Name, Status, Type, Start Date/Time, Created By, or Date Updated.
  • Search for a campaign by the Name.
  • Filter campaigns by Status or Type.
  • Create a new email campaign.

Add Campaign

Navigate to the Campaigns tab > Messages dropdown > Email Campaigns.

access email campaigns list.png

Click Add Email Campaign.

Add Email Campaign.png

Add the following information for your campaign into the Create Email Campaign fields:

  • Name—Give your campaign a unique name (150-character limit). The name is required and will be used to identify your campaign on the Email Campaigns list.
  • Description – This is an optional field where you can explain the purpose of the campaign.
  • From – Select a user who will appear as a sender on all campaign emails. By default, the field has the campaign creator's name selected.
  • Campaign Code – Select the campaign code you want to use to track your email campaign.
  • Type – Select if the campaign is for a single use or will be ongoing.
    • Single Use – The campaign will start at the scheduled time and last until all emails are sent to the enrolled recipients. The recipients must be enrolled in the campaign before the scheduled start time.
    • Ongoing—The campaign can remain open for an unlimited time and can accept recipients on an ongoing basis. Recipients can be enrolled at any time, and if the ongoing campaign is in progress, they will be sent the first email immediately upon enrollment. Subsequent emails will be sent according to the schedule specified for the campaign.

add email campaign details.png

Click Save. You will be redirected to the Create Email section for the campaign you just created. You can create an email right away or do it later.

You can save a campaign without emails and add them later or continue to create them once you’ve added a campaign.

NOTE: You cannot schedule a campaign until an email is added, but you can start working on your audience and enroll recipients into the campaign while you are still building the emails.

Add Emails to a Campaign

If you just created and saved the email campaign, you will automatically be redirected to the Emails tab in the campaign. If you are adding an email to a previously created campaign, navigate to the Email Campaigns screen.

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Select the menu icon next to the desired campaign.

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Click View/Edit Emails to be redirected to the Emails tab.

view edit emails.png

Click Add Email.

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Complete the Create Email fields:

  • Name - Add the Name of the email (100-character limit) or use the prepopulated name with the email index number. This name will be used in the Email Campaign Performance report.
  • Email Template—Select the email template to create the email. You can edit the email as needed, regardless of which template you select. If a template referenced in the email campaign is edited, unpublished, or deleted, the original template will not be affected.
  • Click Apply Template. The Subject and Body fields will populate information from the selected template. Both fields can be edited as needed. NOTE: You can choose a different template if needed. Click CHANGE next to the template name, select a different template, then click Apply Template.

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If the body of the email contains Job, Talent Network, or Career Site merge codes, the corresponding fields will be generated so you can select a Job, Talent Network, or Career Site.

merge code sections.png

When you finish building the email, click Save.

The email will be saved and sent when the campaign starts.

Add Additional Emails

Once you have added an email to a campaign, you can add additional emails,

Navigate to the campaign and click Add Email.

Add Email 2.png

Complete the Create Email fields:

  • Name - Add a name for the email or use the prepopulated name with the email index number (e.g. Email 2, Email 3, etc.).
  • Delay from previous email—Any emails created after the first one require a Delay from the previous email configuration. Enter the number (from 1 to 30) and select the cadence (days, weeks, months) to define how soon after the previous email this email will be sent.
    • For example: Set a two-week delay between the first and second emails in this campaign by entering 2 in the Amount field and selecting Week(s) in the Cadence dropdown.
  • Email Template - Select an email template and apply it to the email. Complete any required fields to populate the merge codes.

create email in add email.png

Click Save.

NOTE: You can add up to 25 emails per campaign.

Edit Email

Emails can be modified before the campaign has started.

To edit an email, click the email name, select the menu icon, and click Edit.

Edit Camapgin.png

The email will open in edit mode, and you can update it as needed.

NOTE: If you need to modify emails after an email campaign has started, please see Edit Email Campaign.

Delete Email

Second or subsequent emails from a campaign that has yet to start can be deleted. Click the menu icon for the email and select Delete.

Delete campaign.png

Click Delete on the confirmation dialog popup.

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The email will be deleted, and subsequent emails will be moved up one step.

NOTE: The first email of a campaign cannot be deleted. The delete email option is only available for campaigns in a New or Scheduled status.

Preview Email

Any email created for an email campaign can be previewed.

Click Preview for the email you want to review.

preview email.png

The preview screen shows the email with the populated merged codes.

email preview.png

Schedule Email Campaign

Campaigns that have at least one email can be scheduled. Scheduling can start immediately or be set up for a later date/time (up to 12 months out).

Navigate to Campaigns > Messages > Email Campaigns.

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Select the name of the desired campaign.

select email campaign.png

Click Schedule.


Choose from the following options:

  • Send email later - Select the date and time when the first email of the campaign will be sent.
  • Send email as soon as possible—When this option is selected, the campaign will be scheduled immediately, and the first email will be queued.
    • NOTE: Single-use campaigns that have no recipients cannot be scheduled to start as soon as possible. This type of campaign would be completed right away since there are no recipients to email. This rule does not apply to ongoing campaigns that can be active (i.e., Scheduled or in progress status) and waiting for recipients.
  • Send subsequent emails on Saturdays and Sundays—If you do not want emails sent on Saturdays or Sundays, uncheck Send subsequent emails on Saturdays and Sundays.
    • NOTE: This option does not apply to the first email, which will always be sent according to the campaign's original schedule.

schedule campaign popup.png

By default, the schedule runs through weekdays and weekends. You can avoid sending emails on weekends (Saturday and Sunday based on the campaign owner’s time zone). If the option to send on weekends is unselected, the schedule will automatically increase the delay between emails to ensure emails are not sent over the weekend.

Update Schedule of Email Campaign

The scheduled email campaign will be in the Scheduled status until the first email is sent, at which point it will change to In Progress. While the campaign is in the Scheduled status, the schedule can be changed or cleared.

Navigate to Campaigns > Messages > Email Campaigns.

access email campaigns list.png

Select the name of the desired campaign.

select email campaign.png

Click Re-Schedule.


Update the desired date/time, then click Schedule Start.

schedule start.png

A saved schedule can be cleared by selecting the menu icon in the campaign view.

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Click Unschedule.

unschedule campaign.png

Clone Campaign

The Clone action on email campaigns is useful when users need to replicate an existing email campaign. Information such as emails, content, delay intervals, and exit criteria will be carried over when cloned. Scheduling and Recipients will not be cloned. Any field in the cloned campaign can be edited as needed.

Navigate to the Email Campaign you want to clone, select the menu icon, then click Clone

clone campaign.png

The Clone Email Campaign screen will open. Edit the fields as needed. NOTE: The cloned campaign is owned by the user who cloned it.

clone email campaign screen.png

Click Clone to save the campaign.

The emails are an exact copy of the emails from the original campaign. You can edit the emails as needed. The campaign is now ready to use, and you can add recipients and a schedule!

Report Tab

The Report tab allows you to see the basic performance of the email campaign broken down by emails. The report includes:

  • Email – Name of email.
  • Removed – Number of recipients removed from the email campaign step by the recruiter or automatically through exit criteria.
  • Sent – Number of recipients included in the email. In Single Use campaigns, the number may decrease through the course of the campaign as some recipients may choose to unsubscribe or some email addresses bounce (those recipients will not move to the next step of the campaign)
  • Delivered – Percentage of emails successfully delivered to the recipients for that email.
  • Bounced – Percentage of bounced emails from the number of recipients of that email step.
  • Unsubscribed – Percentage of unsubscribed emails from the number of recipients of that email step.
  • Spam – Percentage of emails flagged as spam from the number of recipients of that email step.

report tab.png

Details Tab

On the Details tab, you can see the following information about that email campaign:

  • Name – The email campaign name.
  • Description - The email campaign description.
  • Status –The current status of the email campaign
  • From – The name of the user selected as the sender of the campaign emails.
  • Campaign Code – The campaign code used to track the candidate's activity related to the email campaign.
  • Campaign type – Single Use or Ongoing.
  • Duration – The total duration of the email campaign.
  • Send on Saturday / Sunday—This shows whether the subsequent emails that are scheduled to be sent on Saturday or Sunday will be sent as scheduled or delayed until the following Monday.
  • Created by – The name of the user who created the email campaign.
  • Date created – The date and time when the email campaign was created.
  • Date updated – The date and time of the most recent update of the email campaign (campaign name, description, status change), duration (add/remove emails), or individual emails (template change or manual updates).

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Use Email Campaign in Auto Email

If you use auto-emails in Evolve RM (a feature in Source/CRM is required), you can configure auto-emails so that candidates are automatically added to an ongoing email campaign instead of receiving a single auto-email. The first email of the campaign is sent when a candidate is added to the talent list with the auto-email setup, and subsequent emails will be sent according to the campaign schedule.

Email campaigns used in auto-email have an auto-email icon on the Email Campaigns screen.

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You will receive a popup warning if you want to Complete or Cancel an email campaign that is using auto-email.

auto email popup.png

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