Email Drip Marketing FAQ


Q. What is Email Drip Marketing?

A. Email Drip Marketing is an efficient marketing tool designed to reach statically or dynamically assigned audiences through a sequence of targeted messages sent at specific intervals.


Q. Why should I use Email Drip Campaigns?

A. Drip campaigns have several benefits compared to regular email campaigns. Some key advantages include:

  • The automated sequence of emails is a more efficient use of resources where one person builds and executes more campaigns
  • Drip marketing provides the ability to create more diverse campaigns, automate Talent Network opt-in, and cover multiple cases of outbound marketing campaigns
  • Drip campaigns allow customers to optimize message content, frequency, and steps to gain the best results
  • Drip marketing increases the automated frequency of outreach to your candidates, ensuring they are “warm” and will respond positively to Invite to Apply or other campaigns
  • Drip campaigns provide an easy way to automatically re-engage with past applicants or talent network candidates


Q. What are some examples of Drip Campaigns?

A. Below are some examples of what Email Drip Marketing campaigns can be used for:

  • Event Campaign for Registrants
    • Included emails: Logistics for an event, a day before reminder, day of reminder, post-event survey
  • Talent Network Registration
    • Included emails: Thank You, Company Culture, Employee Testimonial, Hot Jobs
  • Sourcing Candidate Expression of Interest
    • Included emails: Join Talent Network CTA, Reminder Day 3, Reminder Day 7
  • Keep in Touch / Follow Up on Specific Date
    • Example: A university graduation
  • Keep Warm / Regular Newsletter
    • Company or job family-focused emails
  • Onboarding / Program Registration
  • Re-engage Past Applicants
    • Example: Are you still interested? It’s time to update your resume!


Q. What’s the use case for a Single Use Drip Campaign vs. Mass Email?

A. Single Use drip campaigns can have up to 25 separate emails sent with a delay or over time. Mass email is only one email.

A sample use case would be a Veterans Day campaign. As a Recruiter or Sourcer, I build an audience of 10k people for this campaign. I create a drip campaign with 3 separate emails delayed by 1 day each, in a countdown to the date, and then schedule it all at once. This is my Single Use drip campaign that will send three emails with a guaranteed delay (of 1 day) between emails. To do the same campaign with the Mass Email feature, I would need to create 3 separate mass emails with different scheduled dates and send them to the same audience 3 times. Not only would it require more time on my side, but there would be no guarantee of the delay between emails.


Q. Are emails sent out in batches and does the scheduling of subsequent emails account for the amount of time needed to send the previous email?

A. Scheduling is important in drip campaigns. To ensure that all recipients get the emails on the scheduled day and with the scheduled intervals between emails, the system is designed to send each email to all recipients within one day. The number of recipients is broken down into batches with a 1-hour interval between them. Batch sizes are 2,500 for the first, then 10,000 for the second, and 25,000 for all remaining batches.


Q. Does a Drip Email have to be tied to a campaign?

A. No, it is not required. However, it is best practice to create drip campaigns with a campaign code as it gives options for reporting across different reports.


Q. Is analytics provided for Drip Campaigns?

A. Yes. A dedicated Email Campaign report is available in AnalyticsTalemetry reports. Basic campaign performance can be viewed within the campaign on the Report tab.


Q. How many emails can I create for a drip campaign?

A. An email drip campaign can have up to 25 emails.


Q. How far in the future can I schedule emails for my drip campaign?

A. You can delay emails of an email campaign by as little as one day and up to 30 months from the previous email.


Q. Why is the total count of recipients in my drip campaign less than the number of recipients of the first email?

A. The total number of campaign recipients reflects the number of candidates with a unique email address and membership within that drip campaign. In most cases, this number corresponds to the number of recipients of the first email of the campaign. The following scenarios will decrease the total count of recipients, but will not change the analytics of the sent email:

  • Candidate withdrew their email consent after they were enrolled in the campaign
  • The candidate matched the exit criteria set up on the email campaign and was removed from the campaign
  • Recipients of the campaign were merged after the email was sent
  • The candidate was deleted from the system after they received email(s) of that campaign


Q. Can I add recipients to an email campaign after it has been created?

A. Yes, though it depends on the campaign type.

  • Single Use email campaign – Recipients can be added up until the scheduled start time of the campaign
  • Ongoing email campaign – Recipients can be added at any time

Recipients can be added from any talent list via the Add/Remove Email Campaign action from the actions menu on a candidate or results list.


Q. Can I define exit criteria for the recipients that don’t qualify to continue my email campaign?

A. Yes, you can choose from the following exit conditions:

  • Candidate applied for a job or joined an event during the campaign
  • The candidate joined a talent network during the campaign
  • The candidate’s Lifecycle state is as selected (select the value from the list of Lifecycle states configured for the account. This condition can be added multiple times with a different Lifecycle state each time)

Each condition will apply only when it happens between the moment the candidate has been enrolled into that email campaign and up until the time when the last email of that campaign is sent to that candidate.

  • Example 1: If a person receives the first email campaign to a Talent Network, and that person joins a talent network, the campaign will be terminated for them and they will not receive any more emails from it.
  • Example 2:  If a person applies for a job and later they are added to an email campaign, the exit condition will not be used because the job application happened before the enrollment into the email campaign.

You can add any number of exit rules. The system checks for any exit criteria configured in the campaign, and as soon as it happens the recipient is removed from that email campaign. Exit rules only apply to the email campaigns where they are configured. If a recipient is removed from one campaign, they will not be removed from another campaign that does not have the same rule configured.

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