VONQ’s easy-to-use job posting tools will save you time and money while simplifying your job posting. The posting Marketplace is now built into Evolve ATS, so you never have to leave your primary recruiting system to post jobs to your preferred job board vendors or for on-demand, one-off needs. Users can utilize company credit cards to fund a virtual wallet with VONQ and pay for their campaign orders from this wallet balance.
Recruiters need to be in an open and approved job to post a job with VONQ. Once that prerequisite is met, follow the attached guide to post the job to a different job board via VONQ.
Post Job to Media
Click Post to: Q (VONQ) on an open Requisition Summary screen.
The Post to VONQ screen will pop up. Follow the steps in the pop-up and fill in the required information to post a job (Job Title, Job Function, Location, Industry). Then, click NEXT: MEDIA MIX RECOMMENDATION.
Select from the offered media to which you want to post the job by clicking ADD TO CAMPAIGN.
Review the Basket Summary, then click NEXT TARGET GROUP.
Fill in details for the requisition target group, then click NEXT: RECRUITER INFO.
The recruiter information is automatically populated from the requisition information used to create it. Click NEXT: POSTING DETAILS.
Most of the posting details should automatically populate from the requisition. Review the posting details and complete any missing fields. Click NEXT.
Add your organization’s details, add/verify your company name, and upload your company logo. Then, click NEXT: CONTACT INFO.
Add contact information. You can either select the checkbox to populate the existing recruiter information or fill out each field with updated information. Click NEXT: WORKING LOCATION.
Review the working location. This was populated from the requisition. Make any updates as needed, then click NEXT: ORDER REVIEW.
Review the order to ensure everything has been entered correctly. Then, click NEXT: CHOOSE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD.
Select Pay with Wallet from the payment method dropdown, then click NEXT.
Enter credit card details, then click NEXT.
Once you have paid for the campaign, it will be live, and you will receive a notification informing you that it was successfully posted.
Once the campaign is online, you will be able to see its details and analytics, showing how well it is performing, directly from the requisition screen in Evolve ATS.