Restrict Candidate Visibility in Workflow States



The Restrict Candidate Visibility in workflow states setting in Evolve ATS allows recruiters to streamline and efficiently perform the talent acquisition process.



Use Cases

By allowing the admins to control the visibility of the candidate inflow for specific workflow states, recruiters can:

  • Effectively allocate incoming candidates to specific requisitions based on an organization’s most pressing needs.
  • Allow hiring managers to be agnostic about the screening process in cases of requisitions with a large applicant pool.
  • Effectively use the organization’s recruiting resources to target the best-fit candidates and advance them in the process.
  • Shield hiring managers from involvement in post-selection processes like onboarding.

Enable Restrict Candidate Visibility in Workflow States

Navigate to your user menu, then select Admin.

Cropped admin menu.png

Click ATS.

Cropped ATS menu.png

Click View Requisition Settings.

View req settings.png

Click Edit at the bottom of the page.

edit req settings.png

Under Restrict Candidate Visibility in workflow states, click Enabled.

Restrict Candidate Visibility in workflow states.png

Click + Add additional workflow.

add additional workflow.png

You can make the following selections:

  • Workflow(s) – Choose from one of your existing workflows. 
  • Restricted Step(s) – Choose the steps from the previously selected workflow to restrict. Selections are “sticky”, so you can select multiple workflow steps to restrict. 

select workflow and steps.png

Repeat this process as needed for each additional workflow.

At the bottom of the page, click Save.

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