August 2023 Release Notes


Release Date

The Evolve Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Recruitment Marketing (RM) Releases are scheduled during the maintenance window on Wednesday, August 30th. There is no major downtime anticipated during the release process, but there may be minor interruptions to service as components of the system are upgraded across our server farms and hosting facilities.

Release Impact

This release impacts Evolve ATS and Onboarding, Recruitment Marketing, Platform Integrations, Analytics, and Reporting, with improvements across all areas of the system.

Technical Requirements

The release will be delivered to all Evolve customers automatically. There are no IT, project, or end-user requirements to receive the upgrade. The interface overhaul will occur for all users of the Evolve systems as part of the release. All previous configurations will be maintained as part of the release process.

New features that require configuration will be released in the ‘off’ position to allow our customers time to evaluate, configure, and test the features for rollout in an organized timeframe.

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