iFrame Instructions



Setting up an iFrame with your Evolve ATS career site requires some technical work. The iFrame will go onto your careers page, and the user will go through the entire application process on your website. This solution is not SEO-friendly.


All users


  • Candidates do not lose out on the company experience. They can browse through your job listings and apply directly on your website.
  • You get to keep your company domain name URL.
  • Receive unique URLs for each page.


  • It requires setup (Please see iFrame instructions below).
  • It will not work for all layouts (scroll-heavy sites, hidden tabs, skinny columns).
  • It's not SEO-friendly.
  • Still dependent on Jobvite to make changes inside the iFrame (only with Brand).

Desktop iFrame Instructions

NOTE: Insert your career site name where it says your-careersite-name. You can find your career site name in your career site URL.

Example Career Site Link: http://jobs.jobvite.com/COMPANYNAME

Place this element where you want the iFrame to be displayed:

<div class="jv-careersite" data-careersite="your-careersite-name" data-force-redirect></div>

Place this script before the closing body tag:


Suppose you are using Evolve ATS (Jobvite) iFrame integration and have a significant amount of content above the iFrame. You can add the following JavaScript code anywhere in your career page’s <body> section. This code will take visitors to the iFrame when they click on a job or navigate to your site from a job board link (instead of loading your career page from the top).


  (function() {

      function gup( name )


        name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");

        var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";

        var regex = new RegExp( regexS );

        var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );

        if( results == null )

          return "";


          return results[1];


      function addEvent (obj, ev, fn) {

          if (obj.addEventListener) {

              obj.addEventListener(ev, fn, false);

              return true;


          else if (obj.attachEvent) {

              return obj.attachEvent('on' + ev, fn);



if(gup('p') != "")


        addEvent(window, 'load', function() {

          var iframe = document.getElementsByClassName('jv-careersite-iframe')[0];

          setTimeout(function() {


          }, 100);





If, after implementing the Evolve ATS (Jobvite) iFrame integration code, your career site displays Page not found or Error 404, it means that your Content Management System (CMS) uses a p URL parameter to open a page. It conflicts with our appended parameter. To solve this issue, please follow the steps below to set your career site with a different URL parameter.

Submit a Help Center Ticket to Enable custom parameter for iFrame.

Once this setting is on, the p URL parameter will be replaced with a unique one ("jobviteiframe").

Add jobvite-iframeParameter="true" on your Evolve ATS (Jobvite) iFrame integration code as shown below:

<div class="jv-careersite" data-careersite="your-careersite-name" jobvite-iframeParameter="true" data-force-redirect></div>

<script src="//jobs.jobvite.com/__assets__/scripts/careersite/public/iframe.js"></script>

If you are experiencing issues with the iFrame, please submit a Help Center ticket. 

Mobile iFrame Information

Evolve ATS (Jobvite) Mobile Career Sites do not support iFrames.

Our iFrame script above has built-in mobile redirection. This means that your mobile job seekers will automatically be redirected to your mobile career site.

If you wish to disable our mobile redirect, you can remove data-force-redirect from the iFrame script above. Our iFrame script will auto-generate a view open positions link inside your iFrame by default. The user must click the view open positions link to view your mobile career site.

If you’d like to customize the link and wording, add your link and text between the iFrame. Please see the example below:

 <div class="jv-careersite" data-careersite="your-careersite-name"><a href="http://www.yourURLhere.com">[insert text to appear without mobile redirection]</a></div>

<script src="//jobs.jobvite.com/__assets__/scripts/careersite
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