Mass Emails



The Mass Email page in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) allows you to see the progress of current and past mass emails and perform actions on them.


All users

Must have the Mass Email Privilege in Campaigns.

Mass Email

Navigate to Campaigns > Messages > Mass Email.

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The Mass Email page has the following areas:

  • Search Box – Filters by the Mass Email name and/or sender.
  • Sort by – Sort Mass Emails by ascending or descending.
  • Filters - Filter Mass Emails by start date or status.
  • Mass Email Progress – View the progress of each of your Mass Emails.  
  • Actions – Reschedule, pause, resume, cancel, and preview Mass Emails.

mass email page.png Search

You can search mass emails in the search box against the following fields:

  • Name - The name of the Mass Email.
  • Sender - The name of the sender of the Mass Email.

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You can sort mass emails by the following fields (ascending or descending):

  • Start Date (default, descending)
  • Name

sort mass emails.png


Click Filters.


  • Filter by Start Date – You can filter the scheduled emails by the start date of the mass email. The default is All Time. You can select ranges or choose your range.
  • Filter by Status - This option allows you to see the Mass Emails by various statuses. When the page is loaded, these statuses are default selected: Queued, Scheduled, In Process, Paused, Suspended, or Error.
    • Queued – This status is assigned to a mass email upon creation, the system may not have the list of recipients built yet; the Recipients column may show zero. As soon as the list of recipients is compiled and the schedule of all batches is defined, the email is moved to the Scheduled status.
    • Scheduled - Includes all mass emails that have been scheduled to be sent but have not had any batches sent.
    • In Process - Includes all mass emails that have had at least one batch sent and are still scheduled for completion.
    • Completed - Includes all mass emails where all of the batches were sent.
    • Paused - Includes all mass emails that are currently paused. They may or may not have had some batches sent, but at this time no further batches are scheduled.
    • Canceled - Includes all mass emails that were canceled. They may or may not have had batches sent.
    • Suspended - All mass emails with at least one batch sent with more to go and have been automatically suspended due to exceeding quality thresholds. Emails that exceed any one of the following thresholds will be suspended:
      • Bounced % exceeding 5%
      • Unsubscribed % exceeding 10%
      • Spam reports exceeding 0.2%
    • Error - This includes all mass emails where there was an error that stopped the mass email from being completed.

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After you have selected your filters, click Apply.


  • Mass Email Name - The name given to the Mass Email.
  • Sender - The person who scheduled the Mass Email.
  • Status - The current status of the Mass Email, see list of Mass Email Statuses above.
  • Recipients - The total number of recipients (unique, valid email addresses) included in the Mass Email and should receive the email.
  • Start/End Date - This field shows the Start Date and Time of the Mass Email (scheduled or actual) and the Estimated End Date/Time (if not complete) or Actual End Date and Time (if Complete). The Estimated End Date and Time are when the last batch is scheduled (or the actual end date and time of the last batch sent if complete).
  • Sent/Remaining - The number of recipients sent the email (before the /) and the number of remaining recipients (after the /) that are in the Mass Email.
  • Complete % - The percentage of the overall mass email that is complete based on what has been processed/sent.
  • Bounced % - The percentage of the mass email that failed to be delivered/was bounced by the recipient's email server. Typical reasons are out of space, the account doesn't exist, the account is locked, etc. A bounce rate of greater than 5% will cause the mass email to be suspended if the email is sent in multiple batches.
  • Unsubscribed % - The percentage of the Mass Email where the recipients unsubscribed to all future communication from this mass email. Some amount of unsubscribe should be expected. An unsubscribe rate of greater than 10% will cause the mass email to be suspended.
  • Spam % - The percentage of the Mass Email where the recipients specifically reported the email as spam. This is typically done via the email provided (a Spam link on the email provider's platform would then get reported back to Evolve RM). This is a serious status that typically happens when recipients do not expect email content from you or if the content is not appropriate to their needs. A spam rate greater than 0.2% will cause the mass email to be suspended.

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To access the Actions Menu, click the Menu icon next to the desired Mass Email.

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The following actions can be performed on Mass Emails:

  • Reschedule - You can reschedule if the mass email is Scheduled or In Process. This will allow you to choose a new start date and time for the next batch.
  • Pause - If the mass email is Scheduled or In Process, you can pause the mass email. This means that no subsequent batches will be sent until the user Resumes.
  • Resume—If the mass email is Paused or Suspended (Talemetry Services only), you can resume it. The recipients will be prompted to choose a new start date and time for the next batch.
  • Cancel - You can cancel if the mass email is Scheduled or In Process. This means that all subsequent batches will NOT be sent. There is no option to resume a canceled mass email (only paused).
  • The Preview action (the eye icon beside the name) will allow you to see the content being sent to people in the Mass Email, including:
    • Template that was used
    • Start Date of Mass Email
    • Campaign Code used (if any)
    • Scheduled By user
    • Created In - The name of the Folder or Search


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