Q. What is the Mass Email email feature in Evolve RM?
A. Companies need to be able to easily send, manage, and report on high-volume email campaigns. Email campaigns drive high conversion numbers for our customers, whether through invite-to-apply, general (mass emails) or join talent network communications; however, there is no easy way to manage large campaigns from Evolve RM.
Evolve RM users can send emails to larger groups of candidates. However, this is not optimized, both for creating and managing the campaigns and for sending and optimizing reputation monitoring performance. Additionally, the Evolve RM team is typically required to intervene and manage each campaign to ensure its success.
The Mass Email feature allows a company user to create, schedule, manage, monitor, and control large volume emails to candidates.
Q. What is the difference between Mass Email and Email All?
A. The concept of "Email All" is simply sending an email to all candidates on a list using the same Email Single or Email Selected. Due to several problems, including throttling of large emails, loss of visibility, and user errors, we have determined the need for a different user experience and system to send mass emails.
Some of the differences include between Mass Email and Email All:
- You name your mass emails.
- Mass Emails is a wizard, vs. Email All, which is the normal send email dialog.
- You cannot edit the content of a mass email - you must choose a pre-vetted template (industry best practice).
- You must choose a scheduled start date and time - Mass Emails are not immediately sent.
- You can see a clear summary of what will be sent.
- Mass Emails are not sent all at once - they are throttled into manageable batches. This improves deliverability and protects your email reputation (industry best practice).
- Mass Email progress can be easily monitored in the Mass Email.
- The user can pause, cancel, or resume a Mass Email. Once sent, however, it cannot be stopped.
Q: What are the main benefits of Mass Email?
A. The Mass Email design was driven by the needs of some of our customer base, who want to manage very large emails scheduled on a regular basis. For some previous campaigns, it was impossible to do it with the existing UX and infrastructure, and the Evolve RM team was required to manage this.
Some of the benefits to users include:
- Ability to Schedule Large Mass Email
- "I want to send a mass email to approximately 100,000 candidates each month to continue building my pipeline of warm leads to help fill open positions."
- The default maximum for a Mass Email user is still 20,000, but the system can now go to a larger number.
- The ability to send on a search or list of greater than 20,000 is possible without affecting the Evolve RM reputation or other users. This is because Evolve RM schedules out the mass email into batches that prevent flooding our email system.
- Visibility of progress
- “I want to see how my mass email is progressing.”
Q: What are the prerequisites for Mass Email?
A. The prerequisites for mass email are:
- Your company must be on an Updated Profile UI.
- Your user must belong to a group with the Mass Email privilege.
- If the above two pertain to your user, you will see the Send Mass Email option in the menu on any search or talent list (folder, talent network, etc) when you do not select specific candidates.
Q: How does Evolve RM schedule batches of Mass Email?
A. When a mass email is created and scheduled, Evolve will generate and schedule daily batches of recipients to be sent the mass email. Here are the rules for creating and scheduling batches:
- Daily batches are broken down with the 1st batch being 2,500 recipients, the 2nd batch being 10,000 recipients, and the 3rd and any subsequent daily batch of the same mass email being 25,000 recipients.
- Before batches are created, Evolve removes any recipients with 1 of the following:
- No email address
- An email address previously marked invalid (i.e., not a valid email domain, not a valid email format)
- An email address previously marked bounced
- An email address that previously supported spam from your company's emails
- An email address previously unsubscribed
- Batches are scheduled with the following rules:
- 1st batch is scheduled at the date and time specified
- 2nd and subsequent batches are scheduled on the following days at the same specified time
- Evolve does not schedule subsequent batches on Saturdays and Sundays - this is due to industry best practices
Q: What are the quality thresholds used to suspend a mass email?
A. The following are the quality thresholds for the mass email that are checked each day (in the evening PT):
- Bounce % should not exceed 5%
- Unsubscribe % should not exceed 10%
- Spam report % should not exceed 0.2%
- Any mass email with multiple batches that exceeds one or more of these thresholds before the last batch will be automatically suspended. You will be informed via the Notification system that your email has been suspended and what the current performance numbers are. Evolve RM will also be notified.
Q: My mass email was suspended. What does that mean, and what can I do?
A. You are not able to resume a Suspended email. For assistance on the next steps, you must submit a Help Center ticket.
Q: Is mass email sent to candidates without Email Consent?
A. No, candidates without email consent are excluded from the list of recipients of a mass email.