Career Site FAQs


Q. Are Career Sites through Evolve RM mobile-optimized?
A. Yes, our Career Sites are responsive, so they are optimized for all devices.


Q. Are Evolve RM Career Sites web accessible?
A. We build our Career Sites to be web accessible, but the majority of this is dependent on the customer’s branding and design. To ensure web accessibility, the customer must confirm that their branding and design are also web-accessible.

Most of the online web accessibility checkers are also not 100% accurate. Our Career Sites can be tested against those tools and find accessibility errors, but that doesn't mean those errors are valid. There are also instances with these tools where an element passes accessibility but isn't accessible, i.e., using images as buttons - most of these tools do not check for contrast on image links; therefore, it'll pass even if there is not enough contrast.


Q. Can I subscribe to multiple Job Lists on a Career Site?
A. No, Career Sites can only be subscribed to one Job List. Job Lists can be configured to receive multiple feeds, though.


Q. Can I launch different Apply Workflows depending on the Job?
A. Yes, you can. While Career Sites can only be configured with one Apply Workflow, that Workflow serves as the default. Different Apply Workflows can be launched depending on the job via its' workflow tags.


Q. Can I launch multiple Talent Network Workflows on one Career Site?
A. A Career Site can only be configured with one Talent Network Workflow. To launch multiple Talent Network Workflows, each must be configured with its own Career Site and use the Launcher URL instead of the Liquid code. The Launcher URL will have to be coded manually.


Q. Can I use vanity domains for my Career Site?
A. Yes, you can use vanity domains. We do not, however, support vanity URLs.


Q. Are Evolve RM Career Sites optimized for search engines?
A. Yes, they are. Our Career Sites are designed to maximize SEO as much as possible.

Q. Why do the styles/formatting on my job descriptions appear different on my Career Site compared to my ATS and Talemetry Admin?
A. Your ATS and the Evolve admins use their own respective branding. Your Career Sites, on the other hand, have your company’s branding and styles. They will never look the same unless you copy your branding from your ATS or Evolve RM.


Q. Can I use non-web-standard fonts for my Career Sites?
A. Yes, you can. You’ll need to provide either of the following so we can integrate these fonts:

  • Webfont-kit files 
  • Embedded code of the fonts hosted somewhere else, i.e., Adobe Fonts


Q. Can I integrate Google’s Places Autocomplete and/or Maps JavaScript API?
A. Yes, you can. However, since this is a third-party application, Evolve RM might not be able to support any issues found. To continue integrating this feature, you must provide written confirmation that you understand the extent of Evolve's support.


Q. Does Evolve RM support adding tracking pixels and/or third-party plug-ins on the Career Sites?
A. Yes, you can definitely add tracking pixels and other third-party plug-ins to your Career Sites’ home, job detail, and thank you pages. However, you can’t add them to the Evolve Apply pop-up.

Also, since we do not control these third-party applications, we cannot fully support any issues that arise from them.


Q. Can you pass data/values via our third-party pixels?
A. There are cases where we can pass values in the script, but you need to provide information on the following:

  • How we’re passing it
  • Where we’re passing it
  • What we’re passing



Q. Why does our job have the wrong data? Why are there inconsistencies with our jobs?
A. The Career Sites simply output whatever is fed to us. We do not manipulate job data. This means if you have bad data, then the Career Site will display bad data. Please check your ATS, confirm that they have correct data, and/or check with Integrations why your job data are coming into Evolve that way.


Q. Can I update the design and layout of my Career Site?
A. Yes, you can access the code via the Career Site’s Design Templates (Design > Edit Current Theme).

To make these updates correctly, you must have experience with the following technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, and Liquid.

Evolve RM cannot provide further guidance and/or training regarding these technologies as they are not Evolve-specific.


Q. Can I build my own Email Templates to use for our Campaigns?
A. Yes, you can build your own Email Templates. Send us the code and we can add them to your Campaign Templates.

Please ensure that your templates have been coded properly. We do not provide support for issues with these.


Q. What is a Social Share image on Talemetry Career Sites?
A. A social share image is the graphic that displays when a user shares the Career Site URL on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc…


We can display a unique image that the client prefers. For the best results, the image's dimensions must be 1280x640. By default, most social media platforms will use the first image from the website if they cannot find the unique social share image code. This can vary on each social platform. When a unique social share image is provided, it is typically hosted under Asset Manager in Evolve RM; however, this can be flexible if the client wants to manage it themselves.

One caveat with these social platforms, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, is that they cache their data for at least seven days. This means that if we change the social share image code in the template, the change will not update on social platforms until their next cache release. However, LinkedIn and Facebook have provided a way to clear the cache faster and validate our code to ensure the social share image will render correctly once the data gets cached.


Q. How does Evolve RM handle jobs with multiple locations?
A. Currently, when a requisition has multiple locations, it displays the same job title for each location that’s assigned.



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