Manage Career Site Content



The Manage feature in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) allows you to create, edit, publish/unpublish, or delete pages for your career sites.


All users

Must have Administrator and Content Editor Privileges in Career Sites.

Manage Pages List

Navigate to Career Sites.

navigate to the career sites tab

Click Manage next to the desired career site.

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The following information is displayed on each career site page:

  • Title - The title of the Career Site page. Clicking the Title link will allow you to edit that page.
  • Page Snippet - A short preview of the text content of the page.
  • Permalink - The unique link on the career site to view the page. Clicking the permalink will take you to the page preview on that career site.
  • Status - The status of the page, draft or published.
    • Draft - The page is being developed, and the content is unavailable for a career site or landing pages.
    • Published - The page is available to view and use on landing pages.
  • Type – Page Types include:
    • Standard - The page is a standard format for a career site.
    • LandingPage - The page was created in the Campaign module for a campaign in a career site.
  • Created At - The date and time that the page was created.

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Search Pages

You can find pages in the search field against the following fields:

  • Title - Enter the full or part of the page in the Search field.
  • Permalink - Enter full or part of the permalink in the Search field.

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Filter Pages

Click Filters.


You can filter pages by:

Page Type – You can select Published or Draft. The default is all.

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Sort Pages

You can sort pages by the following fields (ascending or descending):

  • Title
  • Created
  • Updated (default, descending)

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Page Actions

The following are the actions available on a career site page:

  • Publish - If the standard page is currently in Draft status, move it to Published. This status means that the page will be visible on the career site.
  • Unpublish - If the standard page is currently in Published status, move it to Unpublished. This means the page will not be visible on the career site or used on landing pages.
  • Edit - Edit the page.
  • Show - Preview the career site page in context with the career site. This launches a separate browser tab to the page on the career site.
  • Delete - Delete a page. Recommend only deleting the pages that have not been used. Recommend unpublishing the page if it has previously been used.

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Add New Page

To create a new page, click Add a New Page.

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Create or Edit Page

The following are the fields and options on the Create or Edit page:

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  • Title - The career site template uses the page title to display a title. This can also be used as the title in the browser bar.
  • Update Permalink on Save – This option will generate a new permalink anytime a saved change is made to your career site page. NOTE: A permalink is automatically created on the first save. Permalink generation is based on HTML safe action that replaces spaces and special characters.
  • Edit Permalink - You can edit the default generated permalink to something they want. It must be HTML safe (or it will be corrected on save).
  • Content - This is the main page content. It is recommended to use simple HTML elements (headings, bold, underline, italics, bullets, or lists) to allow the career site template to fully manage the page's display. The body can also contain inline images, but depending on how the Career Site template works, adding an image to the page may be better.
  • Add Image to Page – This allows you to add images from the media library to a page. If any images have already been selected, the count is shown.
    • You can browse the media library for images. Search by title or Sort By created, updated, image size, or file name.

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    • Select one or more images and click Add Image to add to the page.

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  • Add Video to Page – This allows you to add videos to a page from the media library. If any videos have already been selected, the count is shown.
    • You can browse the media library for videos. You can search by title or sort by created, updated, image size, or file and sort videos.png
    • You can select one or more videos and click Add Video.
      add video.png
    • Once videos are added to the page, you can change the order or remove them. NOTE: How the videos attached to the landing page are displayed will depend on the career site template. Embedded videos may need extra support in the template.
  • Tags - You can add a comma-separated list of tags to the page.
    • Tags are usually used by the career site template to choose various styles for a given landing page or to change the behavior of images, data, or embedded search links. Examples include a facility landing page, applying a particular brand, displaying a list of jobs, etc.
    • Please contact your marketing team or submit a Help Center ticket to verify the tags used in your career site template.
  • SEO - You can configure specific SEO values on the page to support search engine optimization. This overrides the default calculated values that a search engine would assert when indexed.

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    • Fields include:
      • Main Keywords - Keywords that would help find the page when indexed by search engines.
      • SEO Title - The title used by search engines when indexing the page.
      • Meta Description - Text that is picked up by search engines that provide a summary of the page.







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