Audience Types and Employment Lifecycle States



The Source and CRM Audience and Lifecycle feature in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) empowers you to nurture and engage priority candidates effectively. You can differentiate audience types across key talent, strategic, or relationship audiences aligned to your recruiting objectives and business goals.


Company Administrator

Use Cases

  • Create targeted content to reach key audiences across multiple channels.
  • Build your talent pipelines to be aligned with your critical audiences for current and future openings.
  • Manage employees through internal mobility and career pathing options.
  • Re-engage your past employees and contractors for new opportunities.

Candidates can be assigned to more than one audience but can only be assigned to a single lifecycle.


Submit a Help Center ticket to enable the Audience Feature. Once completed, follow the steps below to configure the Audiences and Lifecycles relevant to your organization.

Custom Mapping

Navigate to your user menu, then click Applications.

User Menu.png       

Select the Source dropdown > Fields & Filters dropdown > Standard Fields.

access source_fieldsandfilters_standardfields.png

Click Edit next to the field you need to update.

edit standard fields.png

You can make updates to the field as needed.

edit field details.png

Click Update.

List Values

You can define and update your lists of Audience Types and Lifecycle States based on your business needs. The following Employment Lifecycle States are configured by default:

• Prospect

• Applicant

• Current Employee

• Past Employee

• Current Contingent

• Past Contingent

No default Audience Type values are provided.

To update the List Values, navigate to your user menu and click Applications.

User Menu.png       

Select the Source dropdown > Fields & Filters down > Standard Fields.

access source_fieldsandfilters_standardfields.png

Click List Values.

edit list value.png

Add the following information:

  • Name – The display name to be used on the associated filter, profiles, and actions menus. The display name can be changed if needed.
  • Code—This is the field value code; it does not auto-populate. The code is case-sensitive, and the recommended formats are word1word2 or word1_word2. For example, if the field name is First Name, you could enter the code as FistName or First_Name.

edit list value details.png

Click Add.

You can archive the values you no longer need. Once archived, the value will not appear on the filter, profiles, or action menus.

archive list values.png

Using Audience Type and Lifecycle State

Assign Values to Candidates

Audience Type and Lifecycle State with its Effective Date can be assigned to single candidates (manually or via API) and multiple candidates (from the actions menu or via Zip/CSV import).


The field that is mapped to the Audience Type or Lifecycle field must be in the UserArea section of the Candidate XML. If the Lifecycle Effective Date is passed on the XML, the date field should have "_date" appended, e.g., "lifecycle_state_date."

NOTE: Additional mapping available for these fields should not be used on the same candidate. If your company has additional HRXML nodes mapped to the Audience Type or Lifecycle fields, and the Candidate XML has two or more different mapped nodes, only the first one will be processed.

Create Candidate page

When a single candidate is created manually via the New Candidate menu option, Desktop Tools, or Email Import, you can assign them to one-to-many Audience Types and one Lifecycle State with the optional Effective Date.

create candidate page.png

New Import (Zip of CSV file)

You can import a CSV file with candidates, one or multiple audience types, and one lifecycle state with an optional effective date. The Candidate CSV Template can be downloaded from the New Import pop-up window. Please ensure the imported values match the fields on the Standard Fields page.

The New Import pop-up window has optional fields Audience Type (multi-select) and Lifecycle State (single-select) with its Effective Date that users can populate when importing their resumes in a ZIP or CSV file. The values selected will be assigned to all candidates created from that imported file.

new import screen.png

Suppose the candidate's CSV has Audience Type values and others selected on the New Import pop-up window. In that case, the imported candidates will get all Audience Types assigned to them from the CSV and new import (no duplicates). However, the Lifecycle State will behave differently since a candidate can have only one Lifecycle State value. The Lifecycle State selected on the New Import pop-up window will override the values imported on the CSV file.

Actions Menu

Navigate to the Talent tab, then use Filters to search for the candidate(s).

search talent.png

You can update the Audience Type and/or Lifecycle States in the following areas:

  • From the candidate's summary (slug) and profile menu.

candidate profile preview.png

  • From the page or quick-list menu when one or multiple candidates are selected.

multi candidate update.png

  • From the list menu when no candidates are selected.

menu when no candidates are selected.png

Via auto-search

The auto-search setup wizard offers optional setup fields, such as Audience Type and Lifecycle State. You can select one to many audience types and one lifecycle state, which will be assigned to all candidates found by that auto-search. 

Navigate to the Talent tab.

cropped talent tab.png


enable auto search.png

You can select the Audience Type and Lifecycle State on the Add To tab.

auto search popup.png

View values on the candidate's summary (slug) or profile

A candidate's Audience Types and Lifecycle States can easily be seen in their summary and profile. The Effective Date of the Lifecycle State (if available) is displayed when you hover over the Lifecycle State indicator.

candidate profile.png

The X on the Audience Type indicator allows you to remove the candidate from that Audience Type.

remove audience type.png


The Audience Type and Lifecycle State filters are available under the Talemetry Filters section of the Talent tab.

TL filters.png

The Audience Type is a multi-select filter where the values are added with AND logic, i.e., each of the returned candidates will have all values selected in the filter.

The values can be set as Require or Exclude The Audience Types are set as Required by default, but you can change the ranking to Excluded. For example, if you filter for Nurses or those who are not Doctors, this search will return all non-Doctors. It is best practice NOT to use a combination of Required and Excluded options when the toggle is on ANY. Each of the rankings can be used with either ALL or ANY (find candidates who are not Nurses or Doctors).

audience type filter.png

If you need your search to return only the candidates not assigned to any audience, select the Show only candidates without Audience checkbox.

show only candidates without.png

The Lifecycle State filter has a single-select dropdown with a date range slider. You can filter by a single Lifecycle state with an optional date range. Select the Not Set value from the dropdown to get only the candidates who are not assigned to any lifecycle.

lifecycle state.png

Both filters can be set as Ghost filters, which are essential for security requirements when a company needs to restrict certain user groups from seeing some audiences or candidates in specific lifecycle states. Please submit a Help Center ticket to set up Ghost filters.


Q. What is the Audience Type, and how can I identify my audience?

When considering investing in current and future recruitment marketing opportunities, you should consider three different types of audiences.

  • Key Talent Audiences - These audiences cover specific job families or geographies, targeted, critical, or volume jobs. Use them to build content and campaigns and approach them from the six recruitment marketing process areas.
  • Strategic Audiences—Many organizations today have started providing candidate engagement content or enacting inbound and sourcing approaches to strategic audiences. These can include diversity and inclusion candidates, university relations audiences for students, grads or interns, veterans, military hiring, or strategic audiences around executive hiring.
  • Relationship Audiences - These include candidates with whom you already have a known relationship, including employee referrals, internal employees, alums, the contingent workforce, and past applicants, like silver medalists and high-potential candidates. Organizations that are more mature in their recruitment marketing activities may also focus on existing customers for relationship-based marketing and recognize that the candidate-consumer connection impacts how they interact with individuals as candidates and customers.

Q. What can users do with Audience and Lifecycle?

Users in any user role can:

  • Assign Audience Type(s) and/or Lifecycle State with its effective date to the candidates imported from a Zip or CSV file or created via Desktop Tools, Email Import, or a single New Candidate import.
  • Update the Audience Type and/or Lifecycle State for a single candidate or on the selected or all candidates on the list (actions menu).
  • Remove some or all Audience Types from a candidate using the controls on their slug or profile.
  • Remove the Lifecycle State from single or multiple candidates using the Change Lifecycle menu option.
  • Filter any talent list by Audience Types with either included or excluded options.
  • Filter any talent list by a Lifecycle State with an optional date range slider.
  • Set up auto-searches to assign Audience Types and/or Lifecycle States to the candidates found by the search.

Q. What are some use cases that Audience and Lifecycle addresses?

  • As a recruiter, I want to manage my specific key audiences (i.e., doctors or nurses, exempt or non-exempt) to make my recruiting efforts and programs more targeted.
  • As a recruiter, I want to manage my current employees through internal mobility and opportunities and my past employees to re-engage for opportunities.
  • As a recruiter, I want to separate candidates who are or used to be internal employees to use specific marketing approaches on them.
  • As a Company Administrator, I want to define audience types and employment lifecycle states that best suit my company's business model.

Q. Are Audience Types and Lifecycle States provided for my company, or must I define them?

Evolve RM does not provide default audience types, as they have to be aligned with each customer's business model. There is an easy way to define audience types in Source/CRM. Six basic Lifecycle States are provided with the feature (Current Employee, Past Employee, Current Contingent, Past Contingent, Applicant, and Prospect). Company administrators can manage their audience types and lifecycle states as needed: add new values, edit existing types and states, and archive values that are no longer relevant. Please reference the List Values section above.

Q. Is this feature included with the Source & CRM module? Are there any additional costs?

Any customer with a Source & CRM module can request activation of this feature. However, there may be some costs associated with the setup or changes to integration to support the syncing over of the lifecycle and use case modeling of the audience. It is also recommended to have a review with your account team to understand the company's use cases and advise on recommendations for setup options.

Q. Can I restrict my users from viewing some audiences?

Yes. You can set up the Audience Type ghost filter to hide one or multiple audiences for the selected user roles. Similarly, you can set up the Lifecycle State ghost filter to restrict access to a certain lifecycle state.

Q. Can I restrict users from changing or assigning audiences or lifecycles to candidates?

Yes. You can use the Change audience type or Change lifecycle state user privilege in Source to control who can assign or change audience or lifecycle on candidates.

add privilege.png




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