With the notification type Candidate Sourcing, users get notified when candidates are added to their Jobs or Folders through several submission channels, including auto-search, automated sourcing, and referrals - submitted by an external agency or added manually by other users. A summary notification is generated every two hours with the details about candidate submissions that happened within the previous two-hour period. The user can choose to receive these notifications by email or include them in a daily notifications email digest.
All users
Candidate Sourcing Notifications
All CRM users have the Candidate Sourcing notifications turned on by default. The notifications are created every two hours and include a summary of candidate submissions within the previous two-hour window. If no candidate submissions occur, then a notification will not be created. The notifications are created in the UTC starting at 12:20 AM. So, the exact time a notification is received depends on the user’s time zone. Click here to convert 12:20 AM UTC to your time zone.
When the notification is created, a black popup will briefly display at the bottom of the screen. This popup includes the total number of candidates submitted for all Folders and Jobs for that user within the last two hours.
At the same time, the corresponding notification is created under the notification (bell) icon at the top of the screen. Click the notification icon.
The notification panel will expand, showing all notifications for the logged-in user. You can click the Type dropdown to filter by the notification type.
The notifications will be filtered. Click any notification to view details.
Details will be broken down by Job and/or Folder, name, total number of candidates added, how they were added, and a link to the corresponding Job/Folder.
Notification Configuration
You can configure whether to receive Candidate Sourcing notifications by email, in the CRM notifications panel, or both.
Navigate to your user menu, then click Account Settings.
Click the Notifications tab.
In the Candidate Sourcing section, use the following controls to configure the notifications settings that best suit your needs.
- In-App – Display notifications in the notifications panel in CRM
- Silent – Do not email notifications
- Loud – Email notifications
- Digest – Send an email with my notifications digest for the previous 24 hours
NOTE: The email is generated in UTC, and the actual email time may vary depending on the user’s time zone.
All new and existing users have In-App notifications and Digest enabled by default.
Email Notification Example:
Digest (Daily Notifications) Example:
Candidate Sourcing Channels
The notifications can cover the following candidate submission channels:
Jobs that are assigned to the user:
- Candidates were submitted by an agency (if the company is using external Agencies)
- Candidates were added to the job by an auto-search (if the auto-search feature is turned ON for the company)
- Candidates were added to the job by another recruiter
- Candidates were referred to the job (if the company is using Referrals)
- Candidates were added to the job by Zero-Click automated sourcing
Folders created by the user:
- Candidates were added to the folder by an auto-search (if the auto-search feature is turned ON for the company)
- Candidates were added to the folder by another recruiter
By default, all channels are turned on for every user. However, users can turn off any of these channels in their notification settings. If all channels are turned off, candidate sourcing notifications will not be created.
Channel Configuration
You can configure which candidate sourcing options you do or don’t want to be used when receiving notifications.
Navigate to your user menu, then click Account Settings. Then, select the Notifications tab.
Click the setting icon associated with Candidate Sourcing.
Deselect any candidate sourcing options that you don’t want to be used in your notifications. Then, click Save.