Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing (ZCIS)



In Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM), Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing (ZCIS) is an AI-powered sourcing solution that allows customers to automatically receive recommended candidates and automatically send high-quality candidates invites to apply for open job requisitions without any recruiter actions. This feature saves recruiters and sourcers valuable time and effort and reduces hiring time while maintaining DE&I and quality of hire standards.

ZCIS is configured for a Job List; each configuration applies to all jobs in the Job List. Several settings are provided to customize sourcing for each job list as needed.


Company Administrators 

How ZCIS Works

ZCIS begins when a recruiter opens a new job requisition that belongs to the ZCIS-configured job list.

ZCIS does the following:

  • Identifies certifications, skills, and job experiences of hires for similar positions​.
  • Search your talent pools and previous applicants to identify qualified candidates for your position​ in nearby locations.
  • Automatically engages with and invites identified candidates to apply to the position​ (if configured by your company).
  • Delivers quality applicants to your ATS​ (when the candidate applies for the job).

The recruiter reviews applications in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

How ZCIS Identifies a Good Candidate

ZCIS uses the requisition, previous applicants, and previous hires for similar positions to identify good candidates.

First, ZCIS identifies qualified candidates by comparing the experiences, skills, and certifications from the resumes of previous applicants against the resumes of a randomly selected hire for that position (randomization allows for variety over time).

Next, qualified candidates are ranked and ordered according to how well the skills and experiences of the qualified candidate match those of someone hired for that or a similar position. ZCIS will then suggest up to the number of candidates requested.

NOTE: ZCIS may suggest fewer candidates than requested when the talent pool is not deep enough or when it is unable to find good candidates in a particular location.

Location & Remote Jobs

ZCIS can work with remote positions or location-specific positions. ZCIS location can be set at one of three levels of granularity:

  • Remote
    • You identify how many recommendations, X, you want for a job.
    • ZCIS identifies the best candidates regardless of location and recommends the top X candidates.
  • Location (This could be state or country, depending on your configuration).
    • You identify how many recommendations, X, you want for a job.
    • ZCIS identifies the best candidates regardless of location.
    • ZCIS multiplies the number of candidates requested by six and then filters the list to include only those who have applied for positions in that location. This step sets a quality threshold on the recommendation.
    • ZCIS recommends no more than the top X candidates living in that location.
  • Locality (City or state, depending on your configuration).
    • You identify how many recommendations, X, you want for a job.
    • ZCIS identifies the best candidates regardless of locality.
    • ZCIS multiplies the number of candidates requested by six and then filters the list to include only those who have applied for positions in that locality. This step sets a quality threshold on the recommendation.
    • ZCIS recommends no more than the top X candidates living in that locality.

FAQs and Best Practices


Q. Why is Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing Important?

A. Several global trends in recruiting and talent acquisition can impact your ability to fill jobs. Some of these trends include:

  • Increase in Job Openings, Decrease in Applicants
    • “We’ve doubled the number of active req’s…but we’ve seen a 50% drop in applicants per role”​ -TA Leader, Healthcare.​
    • This increase in job openings across many industries has made recruiting candidates and filling positions more difficult.
    • Many recruiters need more sourcing activities to generate applications than in the past.
  • Demand for Candidates/Time to Hire
    • “Before we can get a candidate to interview, they’ve received an offer and accepted with another company…time is our greatest challenge.”​ -Director of TA, Global Technology Co. ​
    • It has never been more important to decrease the hiring time and increase communication speed and outreach to potential candidates.
  • Recruiter Staffing Availability/Time
    • “My team is half the size they were pre-pandemic, and I’m asking them to do more…it’s a lot of pressure.”​ -Head of Recruiting, Retail.​
    • The crunch in staff is due to both poaching/loss of recruiting staff and the increase in active requisitions.
    • The need to source candidates for open requisitions due to the significant application decrease compounds the issues.

Q. What is the value of Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing?

A. ZCIS is valuable in the following ways:

  • Save recruiter’s time
  • No need to log in into a platform (set it and forget it)
  • Guarantee candidate quality
  • Improve candidate experience
  • Automatically leverage your CRM and candidate pools
  • Save job advertising costs

Q. Is there an additional cost to enable/use Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing?

A. There is no additional cost for Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing.

Q. What type of results should I expect?

A. Users can expect 50-60% email open rates and one application for every 10 to 15 invites to apply delivered. The volume of recommendations will vary based on job posting activity and the alignment of the candidate pool to the job posting location.

Q. Is Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing right for my organization?

A. Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing is best for roles where the company frequently hires and has a history of successful hires. Future extensions of Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing will provide for automated sourcing for infrequent and/or new roles.

Q. Is my current ATS compatible with Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing?

A. Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing is an Evolve RM product that integrates with many of today’s ATS solutions, including Evolve ATS (Jobvite), Workday, Taleo, iCims, etc.

Q. How do I report on the effectiveness of Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing?

A. Reporting is available under the ZCIS Performance and Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing Email Engagement dashboards in Analytics under the CRM folder. Please see Standard Reports - Evolve RM for additional information.

Q. How does the automated invite-to-apply feature work?

Identified top candidates are automatically added to the Job in Evolve RM. You may choose to automatically invite the candidate to apply. This configuration is done at the Job list level. To configure automated invites to apply emails, you must enable a job list, provide an email template, and identify the “from” user.

Q. When a candidate responds to an “Invite to Apply” (i.e., clicks an email and applies for a job), what source is used for that application?

A. The default source/BID attributed to candidate activities related to the Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing will be the Evolve RM resume database source (for example, Workday ATS, Taleo Enterprise ATS, etc.). These are found in the Resume DB and Import Channel in Source Tracking reports. If the candidate applies for a job, the source passed into the ATS will be from this channel. The traffic will be identified as coming from a Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing Campaign (Campaign ID), which can be used as a filter in multiple reports.

Identifying the Source/BID as a Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing source is possible. This option is available for all ZCIS customers in ZCIS Configuration Settings. Please submit a Help Center ticket to enable BIDs.

Q. What if I don’t want to automatically invite new candidates to apply?

A. Automatic “Invite to applies” are optional and can be turned on or off through configuration.

Q. How does ZCIS prevent spamming candidates via auto invite to apply?

A. ZCIS only provides candidates with relevant content about jobs in which the candidate has previously expressed interest.

  • You can limit how many candidates ZCIS will invite for every new requisition.
  • You can limit how frequently a candidate may receive a ZCIS invite (for example, no more than one invite every two weeks.)
  • You can set limits on the total lifetime number of ZCIS invites.

Q. Is there a maximum frequency at which Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing will send an invite to apply email to a single candidate?

A. To prevent too many emails from ZCIS being sent to the same candidates, there is a configuration setting to skip candidates recommended for any job within the specified number of days. The default is a maximum of 1 email to a candidate every 45 days. It is recommended that users edit the default to a maximum of 1 email every 14 days.

Q. Will Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing keep inviting the same candidates to apply?

A. To prevent the same individual from receiving too many emails, ZCIS caps the maximum lifetime number of invites to any email address at four.

Q. Will Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing exclude candidates who are active in another job?

Yes. Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing removes candidates who are active on another job from consideration. This is defined as:

  • Candidate applied to any job in the last 60 days (their mapped disposition in that job is “Applied”)
  • Candidate has an ATS Job that is in one of the following mapped dispositions:
    • In Process
    • Offer
    • Hired

Ensuring that all active ATS dispositions are mapped in source tracking is essential.

Q. Does Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing allow the exclusion of candidates with certain CRM tags, CRM audience, CRM lifecycle, or custom rules?

A. Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing can remove specific candidates based on lifecycle information. The work to implement this feature is custom and should be avoided unless necessary. In most cases, this is unnecessary because business rules limiting how often or frequently a candidate is engaged will remove the “do not hire” candidates by default.  Exclusion by tags or audience is currently not supported.

Q. How do I enable ZCIS for my account?

A. Please submit a Help Center Ticket to have ZCIS configured for your account.

Best Practices

  • Create a new API user and ensure API Access is enabled for them.
  • This API user should be used only for ZCIS and separate from any other API user within the account.
  • Implement ZCIS on a single job list that captures all external jobs posted to the career site (creating a narrow or specific job list may fail in aligning your talent pool with job postings, resulting in few recommendations).
  • To maximize the size of the candidate pool, set the maximum age of the resume to 36 months (or the maximum option available).
  • Set “Maximum candidates per job” at either 10 or 20.
  • Set “Skip candidates recommended for any job within the past” to 14.
  • Select “Automatically send Invite to Apply email (optional)”.
  • Make sure the name associated with the “From User” is “human readable,” such as First Name: Acme and Last Name: Talent Team (or First Name: Acme and Last Name: Recruiting), and not attached to a specific person’s email.
  • Modify the ZCIS default template to develop your first email campaign. Avoid adding too many images or additional language. Be sure to update the signature at the end of the email to be consistent with the “From User” first and last name.




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