Refreshing My Jobs on 3rd Party Job Boards


Regarding your career sites, there is no need to refresh your job. These are updated automatically when a job is set to be posted to the career site.

Regarding external job boards (i.e., Indeed, Glassdoor, etc.), Jobvite does not control whether or not an external job board allows the refreshing of jobs. Closing and re-opening a requisition will not guarantee that the job will reappear at the top of the chain; in fact, the likelihood is that it will not. Job boards typically track additional factors, other than Date Posted (such as requisition ID, job title, and location), to determine whether or not a job is indeed a new posting or simply the re-opening of a previously posted position.

Most job boards, such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and CareerBuilder, offer premium sponsored postings, which can be purchased directly through those companies. With these direct purchases, sponsored jobs will appear at the beginning of any search results list that job-seekers may create.

Concerning LinkedIn, once a job is published to LinkedIn using the Posting feature in Requisitions, it is a one-way posting. Any subsequent changes/updates must be made by the associated recruiter/hiring manager directly within their LinkedIn account, including removing a job from their active roster.

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