Multiple Openings per Requisition



Creating a requisition with multiple openings in Evolve ATS gives you the flexibility to hire many people across one or several locations, all from a single requisition. This feature makes it easy to manage and report on multiple openings for each requisition efficiently.   


Admins, Hiring Managers, Recruiters 

Openings Field

Openings is a standard (default) field in a requisition form. If you would like to create a requisition for multiple openings with no restrictions (also known as an evergreen requisition), you can leave the value for the Openings field blank or 0. Otherwise, enter a positive value of 1 or greater to select the desired headcount.

Openings fields.png

NOTE: The default value is blank until a value is selected.

Depending on the value placed in the Openings field, Evolve ATS will recognize if a requisition has multiple openings on the Requisition Summary page. This is shown under the Filled Positions section. The example below indicates two openings, and neither has been filled. This value will update as hires are made against the requisition.

Filled Positions.png

NOTE: If no value is entered for the field Openings, Analytics will show the number of openings as 0.

Having several openings for a requisition does not imply that you are hiring in multiple locations. If you wish to set up multiple locations for a requisition (perhaps to hire even a single candidate without limiting the location to a single choice), see the Multiple Locations per Requisition article. 

Modify the Openings Field

Openings is a standard field within requisitions; however, the field can be modified. Within the Evolve ATS Admin menu, navigate to ATS > View Requisition Library > View Requisition Templates.

You can use these options to move, rename, and manage role-based access controls (RBAC) or make it a required field.

modify field.png

See the Admin Requisition article for more details.


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