Q: What is the Google Cloud Job Discovery Platform in Career Sites feature?
Maximize your career site traffic with Evolve RM AI and Google Cloud Job Discovery.
A. Evolve RM offers seamless integration with Google Cloud Job Discovery, providing easy-to-use, streamlined access to Google's search and machine learning capabilities. As an Evolve Career Site customer, use this integration to directly impact your career site engagement and increase overall candidate conversion.
NOTE: Google rebranded this to Google Cloud Talent Solution.
Q: What key benefits does Google Cloud Job Discovery add to Evolve Career Sites?
- Increase career site engagement.
- Enhance the candidate experience.
- Increase candidate conversion in each step of the recruitment process.
- Improve support for military veteran career search
- Includes military occupational specialty code translation.
- Transitioning service members can enter their code (MOS, AFSC, NEC) directly into the career site's search bar.
- As a result, they'll see the relevant civilian jobs available at that company.
- Improve application conversion rates.
- Increased candidate conversions improve client Media ROI and reduce Cost-Per-Hire.
Q: What are some caveats in using Google Cloud Job Discovery?
- No support for Keyword Auto-Complete
- There is no support for a JOB ID search. Recommend adding a separate field
- There is no support for setting radius search per location unless the customer has implemented Google Locations Look-Up.
Google Cloud Job Discovery can only support sorting for the following listed below.
- Score/relevance (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending). This is the recommended default.
- Created at (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending)
- Updated at (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending)
- Title (ascending or descending)
- Google Cloud Job Discovery can only support the following standard fields in Talemetry:
- Keyword (q)
- Location (location) Does NOT include location_city, location_state and location_country
NOTE: On Evolve career sites that use Google Jobs to search, the location search looks at the latitude and longitude of the location and not the address. If you go into Talemetry > Applications > Jobs > Locations, you can see what coordinates Google thinks the address is at, and you can change them if need be.
- Jobs Per Page (per_page)
- Pagination (page)
- No support for ERP / custom field searching unless the field is mapped as a facet field
- There is no support for empty multi-select / multiple values per field searches
- More info here: Enable 'Google Jobs' for Career Sites#jobs-caveats
Q: What are some use cases that Google Cloud Job Discovery addresses?
- As a recruitment marketer, I want to increase the career site engagement with my visitors so that they are more likely to convert (to the candidate on the job or join a talent network)
- As a recruitment marketing, I want to increase engagement and support for military veterans by recognizing their military service codes and recommending relevant jobs.
Q: How does Talemetry Work with Google Cloud Job Discovery?
Q: Is this feature included with the Career Site module? Are there any additional costs?
A. Any customer with a career site module can request activation of this feature. Due to data transfer to Google, contract amendments will be required. Some larger customers may have contract costs and API limits.
Since the Google Cloud Job Discovery upgrade cannot happen unless a customer changes the Career Site template, it will need to be scheduled. Additional service costs may be incurred depending on the changes the customer wants to make on their career site. This feature should also be considered at the same time as the Candidate Path/Content Personalization upgrade project.
Q: What job sorting options are available when a career site uses Google Cloud Job Discovery?
A. The following sorts are available for sorting job search results when Google Cloud Job Discovery is on:
- Score (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending). This is the recommended default.
- created at (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending)
- updated at (descending only. If you have ascending, it will map to descending)
- title (ascending or descending)
NOTE: Currently, you cannot sort by location. We recommend turning this option off when using Google Cloud Job Discovery.
Q: How do I activate Google Cloud Job Discovery for a customer's Career Site?
A. There are a few steps that must be performed.
- Enable Google Cloud Job Sync on a Job List:
- Identify which job list is being used on the Career site in question. You can see this in the Career Site list
- Go to that Job list in Evolve.
- Services users can turn on Google Job.
Depending on the number of jobs, it should take a few minutes to a few hours. Be patient. For a larger job list
- When you go to the job list, and it is successfully synced, the switch will be green.
2. Activate Google Jobs on the career site
- Go to the Career Site, Edit Career Site
- Turn on Google Jobs
NOTE: The Enable Google Jobs switch is available only to Services users and only when the Google Job Sync is on for the Job List
Q: What versions of Career Sites are supported for Google Cloud Jobs?
A. All versions, including the older career sites used by some original clients, can be activated on Google Cloud Jobs.
Q: How can I compare search results of Google Cloud Jobs vs. Evolve Search?
A. Once Google Cloud Jobs is turned on for a career site, you can force Evolve search to be run by adding a parameter to end of the URL → ?search_type=talemetry
NOTE: If there is a ? already in the parameter, you must add &search_type=talemetry to the end of the URL.
Q: Are there any known issues with Google Cloud Jobs and Talemetry Career Sites?
- Values in custom fields synced to Career Sites (and Google Cloud Jobs) are not searchable as a keyword.
- Location (distance) is not a sortable field in Google Cloud Jobs.
- Values under facet fields mapped after enabling Google Cloud Job Discovery are not searchable until they have been forwarded to hosting for re-indexing.
- All numeric values (i.e., Job IDs) are not searchable (a workaround can be found here: Search for Numeric Job IDs with Google Cloud Job Discovery).