Evolve ATS monitors the sending and confirms the delivery of all outbound emails from the system. However, Evolve ATS does not control how the recipient receives an email or what inbox/folder the email lands in. If you are hearing from your jobseekers that they are finding emails from Evolve ATS landing in their spam folders, there are several different ways to combat this depending on the email clients they are using.
All users
Update Email Template
You can add verbiage to your email templates advising job seekers to add notification@jobvite.com to their Safe Senders list.
NOTE: There is a feature that allows your organization to send emails from your company domain. If that is done, then the same instructions shown below for the notification@jobvite.com domain also apply to your company domain (sender address). For more information about the send from company domain feature, please reference Sending Emails from Your Company Domain.
Below is an example of suggested verbiage:
To ensure that you continue receiving your email or your subscriptions and that they display properly, we recommend adding the email address or domain to your list of safe senders.
The following section links to help articles and discussion posts from different email clients that outline best practices and how to add emails to a Safe Senders list. These links can also be shared with job seekers.
Add Email to Safe Senders List
Apple Mail Users
Show emails from VIP senders in Mail on Mac
How do I prevent emails from a trusted sender from going into the junk mail folder?
Search for emails in Mail on Mac
Gmail Users
Allowlists, denylists, and approved senders
Create rules to filter your emails
Outlook Users
Add recipients of my email messages to the Safe Senders List
Trusted senders in Outlook.com Groups
Yahoo Users
Manage spam and mailing lists in Yahoo Mail
Emails are not received in Yahoo Mail