Jobvite and DocuSign Integration FAQ's


Q. What type of DocuSign accounts can use the Jobvite/DocuSign integration?

A. Jobvite/Evolve customers desiring this integration must be existing DocuSign customers with either a Business account with a commercial license or an Enterprise account holder. Check with your DocuSign Account Manager to determine your account type. See DocuSign account tiers:

Q. If we have Single Sign On (SSO) set up with DocuSign, can we use the DocuSign/Jobvite integration?

A. Yes. You must obtain/use your DocuSign password in your Jobvite integration setup.

Q. Will the branding that my organization has created with DocuSign be preserved when sending offer letters through Jobvite?

A. Yes. 

Q. Is it possible to set up reminders for Signers?

A. Yes. Check with your DocuSign Account Manager for further information.

Q. Will people CC'ed on the Jobvite Offer Generation page get notified when the candidate has signed the offer letter?
A. Yes, only if the user has checked the Notify CC list when the offer is Accepted or Rejected option when sending out the offer letter and has selected an eSignature offer letter template. Jobvite will send the list of email addresses on the CC list to DocuSign, and DocuSign will email the carbon copy of the offer letter to the CC list. If multiple signers are on the offer letter, the CC list will be notified when all parties have signed.
Q. What happens if I start with an eSig offer letter and then decide to have the candidate sign a hard copy instead?
A. You will need to void the existing eSig offer letter if the offer letter was sent. Then click Re-generate Offer Letter and select an offer letter template not tagged eSignature.

Q. What makes an offer letter electronic signature enabled?
A. If the Edit button under the Offer Letter eSignature Templates field section was clicked and an offer letter was uploaded.
Q. How come the Company Signer field sometimes disappears on the offer letter selection page?
A. The Company Signer drop-down value only appears if the offer letter template selected is eSignature enabled and either the [company-sign-2] or [company-sign-name-2] values are present on the offer letter. If either of the two template fields is absent, then the Company Signer field will not appear.

Q. Why does the Company Signer field on the Offer Selection page become grayed out?
A. The Company Signer field is grayed out when an electronic signature offer letter is selected, and the offer chosen letter does NOT have either the [company-sign-2] or [company-sign-name-2] values.

Q. Why does the Company Signer eSignature field on the offer letter template selection page sometimes display my previous selection (company signer), and sometimes it does not?
A. The Company Signer field will remember your past selection for any eSignature enabled offer letter template as long as you:
  • H kept the same browser type on the same computer.
  • Did not previously delete browser cookies.
  • Did not clear browser cache.
Any changes to the items mentioned above require the user to re-select the Company Signer.
Exception: If an offer letter was voided, then the next time the same offer letter template is selected, the user will need to re-select the company signer user.

Q. Can the Company Signer and/or Candidate download the offer letter from DocuSign after signing it? 
A. Yes. Within DocuSign, click on the Download option.

Q. Will the candidate be notified with the Company Signer co-signs?
A. Yes, the candidate will be notified via email that all parties have signed the offer letter, provided you have enabled a setting in DocuSign called Attach Documents to Completed Envelope Email
Q. Why didn't the candidate receive an eSignature enabled offer letter?
  • In cases where your candidate did not receive an eSignature enabled offer letter when you intended for them to, please verify the following: 
    Ensure the Send Offer to Candidate button was clicked
  • Ensure the candidate checked their spam folder
  • Jobvite has enabled the appropriate Jobvite API key and secret, and the "eSig" API was enabled
  • When uploading an offer letter, make sure the Edit button in the Offer Letter eSignature Templates section is clicked, not the Edit button for the non-eSig one.
  •  Ensure the appropriate eSignature template fields were entered with the correct spelling
  • Ensure the closing bracket of an eSignature template field and the next character has at least one space in between:
    • No:  [candidate-sign-1]_________
    • Yes: [candidate-sign-1]  ________
Q. What happens if the candidate selects "Decline to Sign" in DocuSign?
A. The candidate workflow in Jobvite will show that the candidate declined to sign (see below). We recommend that you change the candidate workflow step to Rejected unless you continue negotiating with the candidate.
Q. What happens if the candidate selects the "Print & Sign" option instead of eSigning the Offer Letter?
A. If the candidate selects the Print & Sign option, then potentially two offer letters are created: the one that the company has signed and the one that the candidate has printed and signed.
To avoid this outcome, there are a couple of options:
  • Recommendation #1: Disable the Sign on Paper option in the DocuSign Administration section
  • Recommendation #2: If a candidate wants or needs to wet sign an offer letter, then void the generated offer letter and select and send a non-eSignature offer letter to that candidate
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