Jobvite for International Recruiting



We Speak Your Language

You’ve got your mandate. You need to hire talent across the globe and you need a solution that will help you get the job done. With Jobvite, it’s only a few clicks to customize the language displayed in the Jobvite application which makes it easier for your team to work efficiently in their preferred language, connect more effectively with job seekers, and provide a great candidate experience.


ATS / Onboard UI Language Support(Supports Email Templates too):

  • English (United States)

  • English (United Kingdom)

  • French (Canada)

  • French (France)

  • German (Germany)

  • Spanish (Spain)

  • Swedish (Sweden)

  • Italian (Italy)

  • Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong S.A.R.)

  • Chinese Simplified (People’s Republic of China)

  • Vietnamese (Vietnam)

  • Japanese

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

Email Templates:

  • Albanian (Albania)

  • Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

  • Belarusian (Belarus)

  • Bulgarian (Bulgaria)

  • Croatian (Croatia)

  • Czech (Czech Republic)

  • Danish (Denmark)

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • Estonian (Estonia)

  • Finnish (Finland)

  • Hebrew (Israel)

  • Hungarian (Hungary)

  • Indonesian (Indonesia)

  • Japanese (Japan)

  • Korean (Korea)

  • Latvian (Latvia)

  • Lithuanian (Lithuania)

  • Malay (Malaysia)

  • Norwegian (Norway)

  • Polish (Poland)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Romanian (Romania)

  • Russian (Russia)

  • Slovak (Solvakia)

  • Slovenian (Solvenia)

  • Thai (Thailand)

  • Turkish (Turkey)

  • Ukranian (Ukraine)


Note that the languages listed above, (except for the default language of US English), are available through the purchase of Language Packs.  When a language pack in one of these languages is purchased and activated in your system, the new language will be available for any/all users to select for viewing the Jobvite UI, and translations of all standard Jobvite email templates will be provided in that language.

Localize the Jobvite Platform and Career Sites
Communicate in Multiple Languages: With the Jobvite UI in your language, you can easily create requisitions, emails, automated messages, social Jobvites, and email templates--such as your offer letters--in multiple languages.
International Time and Date Formats: You can also customize time and date format preferences (Ex: Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year) to display in the Jobvite application and in external emails, helping you clearly communicate commonly used dates and times with the hiring team and job seekers.
Intelligence Built In: Jobvite’s built-in logic saves you time and effort by intelligently surfacing and setting the configured language options by factoring in requisition location, company-level language settings, and user preferences in their account profile.
Need Another Language on Your Career Site? We Can Help: Jobvite empowers you to showcase your unique employer brand beyond your home turf. Make your candidate’s experience truly exceptional with Jobvite career site web development services. Our web development experts can help build your career site in languages beyond the languages that we currently support.

Language Settings For Multiple Locations
When it comes to setting languages, time zones, dates, and time formats in Jobvite, there are three main areas in the system this can be done:

Regional Settings (in Admin - configuration - regional settings)
Administrators who set a date and time zone in Regional Preferences, are then setting the date and time zone for all existing new employees. Meaning, that unless individual users set their time zone and date formats in My Account, they will be set to whatever the Admin chose here.


Each user - regardless of role - has the option to set their own account's Language (in which the UI will appear), time zone, date, and time formats. 


Note: Any user making specific selections here, will override any and all location-based settings that may have previously been in place


Locations (in Admin - configuration - location) when adding Offices
When Admins create additional office locations, they can then set up time zones, dates, and languages specific to that office location. This is important to do, since different locations (aka countries) may have different time and number formats - which are used as placeholders when creating offer letters for candidates.


Note: When doing this, if a new user is added to the system and is tied to one of these newly created office locations, then the setting the Admin made in Regional Settings, will be overridden for that particular user.

For more information on Locations in Admin, check out our How Do I Add a New Location? article. 

Language Placeholders for Email Templates
In addition to all of the above functionality related to Language Packs, Jobvite also provides the option to select up to 40 different language placeholders for your standard and custom email templates in Jobvite (created/maintained in Admin > Communications > Email Templates). Then, in every email template you have, there will be a placeholder for that language, allowing you to create a translation in that language for selection by your end users.  There is no charge to enable these placeholder languages; however, you should only request activation of languages your team actually will use, to avoid system clutter.  The list of placeholder languages can be viewed in Admin > Configurations > Regional Settings (as long as at least 1 language has already been activated).



Additional reference: Onboard Multilingual Feature Reference Guide (Evolve ATS)

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