Multiple Organizations and Data Segmentation



The Multiple Organizations and Data segmentation capabilities in Evolve ATS allow customers to control the visibility and accessibility of crucial recruitment data – requisitions, candidates and offers by Business Units, Locations, and Departments.

Additional Resources


This configuration requires admin permissions.

Use Case

Admin users can create and manage organizational elements such as Business Units, Locations, and Departments. Using these organizational elements and their hierarchies, the admin user can define the access levels of recruitment information for each user. Through these access groups, the admin user can control what information a recruiter/hiring manager user can view when they log in to Evolve ATS Admins can create User Access Groups and assign relevant access permissions for each user.


Navigate to your user menu > Admin > Configurations > View Organizational Elements.

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Create Business Units, Locations, and Departments associated with your organization. These elements will help you segment and organize your team, data, and other objects within Evolve ATS.

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Business Units

This section provides a hierarchical list of all Business Units (subsidiaries) that are part of the parent company.

The first hierarchy in this section will always be the parent company. The Sub Business Units column displays the number of businesses that are part of the parent company (second in the hierarchy). The action menu (3 dots) allows you to Edit or Add a sub-business unit to the parent company. The parent company cannot be duplicated and cannot be made inactive.

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Click the parent company name in the Business Units column.

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The sub-business units are now displayed in the Business Units column. These are business units that are part of the parent company. The Sub Business Units column now shows the number of sub-business units part of the Business Units (second hierarchy). The action menu (3 dots) allows you to Edit, Add a sub-business unit, Duplicate, or make Inactive/Active.

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When clicking into other business units, the "breadcrumb" bar below the page title displays the hierarchy order. You can navigate between levels by clicking the desired business unit.

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Add Business Unit

You can add a new business unit by clicking Add Business Unit (at the top) or Add Sub Business Unit (from the Business Unit action menu).

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NOTE: You cannot add a sub-business unit to the final level of a hierarchy. Example: Business Units have three hierarchy layers, so you wouldn't be able to add a sub-business unit to the third layer.

Complete the following fields in the new window:

  • Business Unit  – Name of the business unit
  • Parent Business Unit – The parent company that the new business unit will be part of
  • Description – Describe what this business is
  • Career Site URL – Optional, a link to the business career site
  • Privacy Notice URL – Optional, a link to the business's Privacy Notice
  • Email Logo – Optional, image you want to display in email communications related to this business
  • Social Media Logo – Optional, image you want to display in social posts related to this business

NOTE: If a business unit is Inactive, you cannot add sub-business units.

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Click Save.

Edit Business Unit

To edit a business unit, click the action menu, then select Edit.

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Update or add any of the desired information. See Add Business Unit for field details.

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Click Update to save your changes.

Duplicate Business Unit

To duplicate a business unit, click the action menu, then select Duplicate.

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Update the Business Unit Name and any desired information for the duplicated business unit. See Add Business Unit for field details.

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Click Save.

Make Business Unit Active/Inactive

To make a business unit active or inactive, click the action menu, then select either Make Active or Make Inactive.

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NOTE: If you make a business unit inactive, all sub-business units will automatically change to Inactive. If you decide to reactive the parent business unit, the children (sub-business units) will NOT auto-reactivate. You will have to reactivate each one manually.


This section provides a hierarchical list view of various locations in the organization.

There are two types of Locations:

  • Office locations – These are used to create a requisition, are displayed within a candidate profile, and are shared with job boards as requisitions are posted. These cannot have children/sub-locations. The action menu allows you to Edit, Duplicate, Make Inactive/Active, or Delete.
  • Non-office locations – These can have children/sub-locations. Requisitions cannot be associated with non-office locations. The action menu allows you to Edit, Add sub-location, Duplicate, Make Inactive/Active, or Delete.

NOTE: Locations can only be deleted or made Inactive if no requisitions are associated with them.

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The Location columns include:

  • Sub Locations – The number of locations that are part of it
  • Date Created – The date the location was created
  • Created By – Which employee created the location
  • Status – If the location is Active or Inactive
  • Action Menu – The 3-dot action menu allows you to Edit, Add a sub-business unit, Duplicate, or Make Inactive/Active.

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The Locations element supports up to five hierarchies. Example: North America > United States > Central US, East Region > Alexandria, Atlanta, Baltimore, Belfast, Columbus, etc.

When clicking into other locations, the "breadcrumb" bar at the top will display the hierarchy order. You can navigate to another layer by clicking the location.

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Add Location

You can add a new location by clicking Add Location (at the top) or Add Sub-Location (from the location action menu).

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NOTE: You cannot add a location to the final level of a hierarchy. Example: Locations have five hierarchy layers, so you wouldn't be able to add a sub-location unit to the fifth layer.

Complete the following fields in the Location Settings window:

  • Location Name – Name of the location
  • Parent Location – The parent location that the new location will be part of
  • Description – Describe the location
  • Office—Selecting this will determine whether the location is an office. When checked, additional fields will populate: Address, Time, Date, and Language settings. This information is essential and should be accurate as it will be tied to job postings.

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Click Save.

Edit Location

To edit a location, click the action menu, then select Edit.

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Update or add any of the desired information. See Add Location for field details.

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Click Update to save your changes.

Duplicate Location

To duplicate a location, click the action menu, then select Duplicate.

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Update the Location Name and any desired information for the duplicated location. See the Add Location field details.

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Click Save.

Make Location Active/Inactive

To make a location active or inactive, click the action menu, then select either Make Active or Make Inactive.

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NOTE: Locations cannot be made inactive if they or their children (sub) locations have requisitions associated with them.


This section provides a hierarchical list view of various departments within an organization. It supports up to three hierarchies. Example: Finances > Accounting > Vendor Accounting.  

The "breadcrumb" bar at the top displays the hierarchy order when you click into other departments. You can navigate to another layer by clicking the department name.

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The action menu allows you to Edit, Add Sub-departments, Duplicate, Make Inactive/Active, or Delete.

Add Department

You can add a new department by clicking Add Department (top corner) or Add Sub-Department (department action menu).

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Complete the following fields in the new window:

  • Department Name – Name of the department
  • Parent Department – The parent department the new department will report to
  • Description – Describe the department

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Click Save.

Edit Department

To edit a department, click the action menu, then select Edit.

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Update or add any of the desired information. See Add Department for field details.

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Click Update to save your changes.

Duplicate Department

To duplicate a department, click the action menu, then select Duplicate.

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Update the department name and any desired information for the duplicate department. See Add Department for field details.

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Click Save.

Make Department Active/Inactive

To make a department active or inactive, click the action menu, then select either Make Active or Make Inactive.

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NOTE: Departments can only be deleted or made Inactive if no requisitions are associated with them.

Users /Access Groups

Access Groups allow admin users to control what individual users can view when they log into the system. Admin users can create access groups, add employees to the group, and define the mapping of Business Units, Departments, and Locations to the group. These configurations determine what employees are allowed to see and access.

Navigate to your user menu and select Users > View Access Groups.

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Default Group

Every employee will be part of the default access group, Employee Access Group. Click Employee Access Group to view details.

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Here, you can define the access level for the rest of the company without mapping a particular user to an access group. You can determine what the users in this group can see. It can be as little as nothing, or you can add Business Units, Locations, and Departments by clicking Edit next to the corresponding field. This access group cannot be made Inactive. You cannot add users to this access group since all users are automatically added.

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Add New Group

Add a new access group to specify which users can see specific organizational elements. Click Add New Group.

Complete the Access Details:

  • Access Group Name – Unique name for the group
  • Access Group Code - This will auto-generate with the group name. The code can be modified during the creation of the Access Group but cannot be modified after its initial creation.
  • Description – Describe what this group is used for

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  • Business Unit – Click Edit Business Units and select which, if any, the group will have access to. Click Add Business Units when done.
  • Locations - Click Edit locations and select which, if any, the group will have access to. Click Add Locations when done.
  • Department - Click Edit Departments and select which group will have access to it. When you're done, click Add Departments.

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NOTE: When selecting the first layer of an organizational element, all elements below will also be added. You can allow groups to only see the lowest layers of each element if needed. Example: If you go to Edit DepartmentsFinance > Accounting > you can select Vendor Accounting, so the group can only see candidates and requisitions in that layer.

Click Save.

Open the saved group. Now, you can add employees to the group. Use the Add Employees field to search for and select the desired users.

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Click Update.

Edit Group

You can edit a group by selecting the action menu > Edit. Here, you can add/remove users or elements.

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Complete the necessary fields, then click Update.

Duplicate Group

If you want to create a group similar to one that already exists but modify it to fit your requirements, you can click the action menu for that group > Duplicate.

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 Update the name and description of your group.

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Click Save. Then, you can Edit the group as needed.

Add Access Group when Creating an Employee

You can add an access group to an employee when you create a new employee.

Navigate to your user menu > Users > View Employee List. From here, you can add via Import or Add Employee.

  • Import – Use the template and add the desired group name for the employee in the Access Group Field column.
  • Add Employee – You can add the desired group name in the Access Group field.

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Click Add Import.

Upload the desired CSV file, then click Next.

NOTE: Download the template in the Import Employees window for information on specific fields.

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Complete the Column Mapping fields:

  • Map with CSV column
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email

Click Submit.

+Add Employee

Click +Add Employee.

Complete the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Email
  • Role
  • Access Group
  • Time Zone
  • Send Invitation
  • Template
  • Subject
  • Edit Message

Click Add Employee or Add Another Employee to continue creating.

Access Restrictions

The definitions made by the admin user to create the organizational hierarchies, access groups, and users' associations with certain access groups decide what a user can view when they log into the application.

 Example 1: If a user belongs to an access group named Enterprise Solutions Access Group and this access group has access to only one Business Unit named Enterprise Solutions and all locations and departments, the user will only view the requisitions (and candidates of these requisitions) that belong to the Enterprise Solutions Business Unit.

Example 2: If a user belongs to an access group named US Access Group, and this access group has access to all Business Units of the organization, access only to locations in the US, and access to all departments, the user will only view the requisitions (and candidates of these requisitions) that belong to the US locations.

Additionally, users can only create requisitions within the Business Units, Locations, and Departments to which they belong. They cannot create requisitions in Business units, Locations, and Departments to which they do not have access.

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