Using the Source Audit Report



Talemetry created the Source Mapping Audit Report to identify sources that have yet to be mapped in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM). The Source Map is the most critical component for source tracking accuracy and must be maintained and updated regularly. By running the Source Audit Report to identify unmapped sources or add new sources, you can easily determine what sources need to be updated/added to the Source Map.

The Source Mapping Audit Report provides the following:

  • A list of all sources in use and listed in the source map.
  • An alert column that notes sources customers will need to add to the Source Mapping in RM and your ATS.


Users with Analytics access.

Running the Source Audit Report

To access the Analytics platform, click the nine-box in the upper left corner of your screen, then select Analytics.

app switcher.png

Navigate to the Talemetry tab > Source Performance Folder > Source Mapping Audit report.

source audit report.png

NOTE: The report's default filter is set for the last month. If you are using the report for the first time, the best practice is expanding the filter to the previous 90 days of sources in use for mapping. You can also filter for the last 12 months. Additionally, the report returns the first 500 sources. To see all sources, change the report filter to all records and download the report.

Once your filters are configured for your desired timeframe and sources, you can export (download) the report and review the data. 

Understanding Report Outcomes

There are four outcomes of the report that may require action on your part:

  1. Map items are used by Talemetry but are not found in the Source Map. The alert column notes these as Not Mapped, and these sources do not pass a BID (source) to your ATS in the Apply process. For complete source tracking, you should have a 1-1 mapping of sources.              NOTE: Do NOT map multiple Talemetry BIDs to a single ATS source. The Completes and HIRES will not match the Apply Starts, resulting in unbalanced analytics—for example, LinkedIn Job Board and LinkedIn Recruiter.  
  2. Compare against ATS Sources; add any that are not listed in the report. Generate a report of your ATS sources and add any new ATS sources to the Talemetry Source Map. RM will show Source Tracking Reports for 100% of the ATS data. If the source is not on the Source Map, it will be listed as Unknown. This is necessary because the sources not set up for the Apply process can be assigned by recruiters or other integrations.
  3. Review sources in the report that are no longer in use. While these may no longer be in use, data may still sync with them in some instances. Update the Source Status from Both to Analytics in the Source Map to capture data in the source analytics.
  4. Look for a mismatch between Talemetry Source and ATS Source. The ATS code is often incorrect because the source code was changed or entered incorrectly. You can edit the ATS source to match the correct source or add a new source. This will also happen if you want to drill down to more detailed ATS sources, i.e., LinkedIn Candidate Share vs LinkedIn Job Board.

Ongoing Usage of Audit Report

After your first audit, customers are recommended to run the report and address any unmatched sources twice a month. The more diligently you use the Source Mapping Audit Report, the more accurate your source metrics are. To facilitate your ongoing monitoring of Source Mapping, customers can regularly schedule the audit report and send it via email to your RM Admin.

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