Interview Types are also associated with Workflows, as they are interviews for candidates and are part of their process through Evolve ATS. It is recommended that you begin any workflow project by first considering any new interview steps you may want to create and adding them to the system.
Add Interview Types as Workflow States
Interview Type Workflow States have the following functionality:
- Scheduling, assigning a deadline, no action (optional)
- Candidate invitation (optional)
- Evaluation (optional)
- Include resume as an attachment (optional)
- Include a link to the career website (CWS) Job Description (optional)
To add a new Interview Type Workflow Step:
Navigate to your user menu > Admin.
Click ATS.
Click View Interview Types.
Click Add Interview Type.
The New Interview Type popup window will appear.
- Add a Name for the interview type.
- You can then choose whether to Copy From an existing interview type or select None to create an entirely new interview type.
NOTE: If you choose to copy from an existing interview type, a new one will be created based on the configurations for the interview type you are copying from.
Click Save.
Interview Type Workflow State Actions
Adding a new Interview Type will automatically create a workflow step at the bottom of all workflows, along with pre-populated State Actions, as shown in the image below.
You will then need to go to each Workflow and either delete the interview step(s) from workflows that are not desired or move them from the bottom of a workflow to the desired step in the sequence.
To add additional State Actions, navigate to your user menu > Admin > ATS > View Workflows.
Select a Workflow.
Click the edit icon next to the Interview Workflow step.
Click Add New Action.
NOTE: It is not recommended that any pre-populated Interview State Actions be deleted.
You can then select a state action. For example, a common proceed-to-state action for interview types is Proceed to Reference Check.
Click Save.
You can repeat this process for each additional state action you wish to add.
Rename Interview Types
When you Rename an Interview Type, it will apply the option to rename them across all your workflows if you have more than one.
To rename an interview type, navigate to your user menu > Admin > ATS > View Interview Types.
Click the edit icon next to the interview type.
Click Edit within the Interview Type (Interview) section.
Click Edit Name.
In the Edit Interview Name window:
- Add a new Name
- Select the Apply checkboxes to update the interview type name within each of your workflows
Click Save to finalize your changes.
When you rename a Workflow State, it becomes its reportable step, even if it is derived from the same Interview Type.
Deleted Interview Types
You can remove an Interview-type workflow state in two places.
- Workflows - If deleted from the workflow page (in an individual workflow), it can be retrieved from Deleted States; if any candidates have entered that state, the data will be reportable.
- Interview Types - If the interview type is deleted from Admin > ATS > View Interview Types, it will not be retrievable; it cannot be restored once deleted. Further, any candidates who have entered this state will not be reportable. This method is not recommended because of data loss unless the deletion occurred before the step was assigned to any candidates.