Updated for Fall 2024 Release
Many standard reports are available to assist you in finding the data you are looking for. Standard reports are divided into categories that match Evolve ATS (Jobvite) modules.
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Once logged in to the product, click the nine-box and select Analytics from the menu.
Select Applicant Tracking (Jobvite) to access the standard reports.
These tables include descriptions of each standard report available (arranged by category) and the typical use cases.
These are commonly used reports for tracking your talent acquisition strategy.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Bottleneck | This report helps you identify the top five workflow steps where candidates spend the most time. Use this report to quickly find where you have an opportunity to improve your hiring process. | Y | Application dimensions (drill to additional charts) |
Company Benchmark | This report summarizes the company's quarterly hiring key metrics vs. benchmark metrics based on company size or industry. | N | |
Recruiting Funnel | This report shows the total number of candidates in key workflow steps and provides critical conversion ratios, including offer acceptance. | Y | Application details by: Workflow State, Requisition Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, etc. |
Recruiting Performance | This report provides key metrics for recruiting performance, including key event counts, conversion ratios, and average durations. | N | |
Source Performance | This report provides a trend of your top-performing sources and a look at the top sources of your hires. | Y | Application details by: Source Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, etc. |
Talent Leader Summary | This report allows you to analyze high-level performance KPIs to measure success across your recruitment process. It can also assist in identifying opportunities to optimize your team's talent recruiting strategies and processes based on trends. These trends include average time to hire, requisition volume, and opportunity inventory to streamline your recruitment practices. | Y |
Candidate Details Requisition Details |
This folder provides reports only specific to Administrators.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Login Audit Details | This report provides a detailed view of all users who have logged into or out of the system, along with the date/time stamp for the login/logout behavior, for auditing purposes. | N |
Candidate Reports
Candidate reports provide a detailed look at all candidate activity, both overall and by workflow step.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Candidate Activity | Use this report to get detailed candidate activity and see the history of what workflow steps a candidate went through. This report provides one row of data for each workflow step that a candidate has been through. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Candidates |
This candidate list is the essential template to build a basic candidate custom report. The report includes candidate details, requisition fields, all custom fields, and the candidates' status. NOTE: This report does not include historic candidate activity. |
Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Candidates and Recruiting Activity | Use this report to export detailed candidate activity. This report is helpful when you need to report on unique activity by the recruiter or hiring manager. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Interview Activity | Use this report to get a detailed record of each interview that occurred. This includes the date scheduled, the stage in the hiring process, who the interviewer was, and the interviewer's candidate summary. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Offer Approvals | Use this report to determine how long offer approvals are taking and where your process may be held up. You can use the approval status, approver details, and time-to-approve metric to improve your hiring process. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Offers | Use this report to find which candidates have had offers extended to them, their status, and hire and start dates. The available fields include candidate details and history, requisition details, and all offer custom fields. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Pre-Interview Forms | Powered by the data from your pre-interview form questions, this report gives all the candidate's responses (including scores) in a sortable and configurable format. Each form question appears as a separate row. | N | |
New Hires | Use this report to find out which candidates have been moved into a hired status, their source details, submitted date, hired date, days to hire, and other key metrics. The available fields include candidate details and history, requisition details, and all application custom fields. | Y |
Candidate Submitted Date Hired Date |
Video Form Activity | Use this report to get a detailed record of each video, including the date created, video form evaluation overall rating, comments, video question titles, minutes to prepare, and minutes to answer. | N |
Career Sites
Career site reports provide a high-level overview of your career site metrics and trends.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Career Website Metrics | Use this report to get a high-level overview of website metrics across all your career websites, including sessions, page views, pages per session, bounce rate, average time on site, and percent of new sessions. | N |
Evolve ATS tracks candidate responses to EEO and OFCCP questionnaires and recruiter search activity. For the tracking to occur, you must have either EEO or OFCCP enabled in your Admin settings. The following roles have access to view Compliance reporting: admin, super user, and HR.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Candidate Consent | Use this report to get a list of candidates who provided consent during the application process. | Y | Application details by Consent Status Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, etc. |
Candidate Consent Summary |
This report summarizes candidates by consent status grouped by Location of Residence, Language, and Candidate Submitted Date. | Y | Application details by Consent Status Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, etc. |
Candidate Removed | This report identifies when candidates were removed from the system. | N | |
Candidate Removed Summary | This report summarizes the number of candidates removed. The data is grouped by Candidate Remover (manual vs. scheduled), Candidate Data Removal Type (anonymized vs. deleted), and the month the candidate was deleted. | N | |
Contact Consent | Use this report to get a list of contacts that provided consent. This report includes the Contact Name, Consent Date, Location of Residence, and Consent Form Name. | Y | Contact details: Name, Department, Company Name, Source, Consent Status. |
Contact Consent Summary | This report summarizes contacts by consent status grouped by Location of Residence, Language, and Contact Created Date. | Y | Contact details: Contact Name, Company, Source, Consent Status. |
Contact Removed | This report identifies when contacts were removed from the system. | N | |
Contact Removed Summary | This report summarizes the number of contacts removed. This data is grouped by Contact Remover (manual vs. scheduled), Contact Data Removal Type (anonymized vs. deleted), and the month the contact was deleted. | N | |
EEO Applicants | Powered by the data from your career site EEO form, this report gives you all compliance question responses, Candidate Details (including Disposition), Veteran's Status, and job information (including EEO Category). | N | |
EEO Summary | Use this report to see data summarized by EEO Job Category. You must have the EEO Category field on your requisitions for this report to run. | N | |
New Hire Removed | This report identifies when new hires were removed from the system. | N | |
New Hire Removed Summary | This report summarizes the number of new hires removed. This data is grouped by New Hire Remover (manual vs. scheduled), New Hire Data Removal Type (anonymized vs. deleted), and the month the new hire was deleted. | N | |
OFCCP Applicants | Powered by the data from your OFCCP forms, this report gives you all compliance question responses, Candidate Details (including Disposition), Veteran's Status, and job information (including EEO Category). This report can be customized with any custom field. | N | |
OFCCP Search | This report lets you pull data on search terms used on the candidates' list page. You must have the Track Candidate Searches feature enabled (see Admin > Compliance > Application Compliance > US Compliance > OFCCP Reporting). | N | |
OFCCP Summary |
Use this report to get summarized compliance data for all your OFCCP form responses grouped by EEO Category. NOTE: You must have an EEO Category on your requisitions for this report to run. |
N | |
Workflow Milestone Progression by Gender | Use this report to review your hiring workflow through the lens of gender. This report uses your compliance data to show how candidates move through your hiring process segmented by gender. | Y | Candidate details: Candidate Name, Email, Submitted Date, and Count of Candidates in each Workflow Milestone. |
Workflow Milestone Progression by Race | Use this report to review your hiring workflow through the lens of race. This report uses your compliance data to show how candidates move through your hiring process segmented by race. | Y | Candidate details: Candidate Name, Email, Submitted Date, and Count of Candidates in each Workflow Milestone. |
Engage reports track Contact and Campaign activity across all mediums.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Contacts | This dashboard shows contact count and distribution by Status and Source. | Y | Contact details: Name, Company, Source, Consent Status. |
Contact Activity | Use this report to get detailed contact activity and see the history of what statuses a contact was in and when. This report will provide a single row of data for each status a contact was in. | N | |
Contact History | Use this report to get the total count of contacts who have ever been in a contact status grouped by sourcer. Advanced report users can edit this report and create charts using predefined dimensions. | N | |
Email Campaign Details | Use this report to determine which contacts are engaging in your email campaigns. It includes contact details and email metrics for each contact. | N | |
Email Campaign Summary | Use this report to monitor email campaign performance and track key metrics for each campaign. | N | |
Engage User Activity | Use this report to get key activity metrics for each Engage seat user, including all Evolve ATS (Jobvite) activity. | N | |
Pipeline Contact Details | Use this report to get contact details from your Engage Pipeline, including contact source, tags, and notes. You can customize with contact custom fields to see which new contacts have been added. | N | |
Social Media Campaigns | Use this report to monitor social media campaign performance and track key metrics for each campaign. | N | |
Web Page Campaigns | Use this report to monitor web campaign performance and track key metrics for each campaign. | N |
Onboarding reports track onboard and new hire activity, including tasks and efficiency.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
New Hire Census | This report lists all the new hires who joined recently and their data. You can use this report to audit or reconcile data across different systems. | N | |
Onboarding Headcount | This report breaks down all the recent onboarding processes. Use it to understand where your headcount is growing most. | N | |
Onboarding Timeline Report | This report outlines the average time taken for each type of onboarding and breaks it down into specific states. Use it to understand the lifecycle of each onboarding process and where you need to optimize. | N | |
Process Activity | This report lists processes and new hires associated with each one. You can use it to audit any overdue processes. | N | |
Task Activity | This report lists the onboarding task names, due dates, and the number of overdue days. It can be used to audit task progress. | N | |
Task Completion Trend | This report helps you understand the average time needed to complete each task type over months. The trend lets you know if the measures you have taken to improve timely task completion are working. | Y | Drill into smaller increments of time: week or date. |
Task Efficiency Report | This report helps you understand which tasks are bottlenecks, how long new hires have stayed in your onboarding program, and why. | N | |
Time to Productivity | This report helps you understand how time to productivity trends by showing a monthly trend of time to onboard. | Y | Drill into smaller increments of time: week or date. |
Requisition reports will give you an overall picture of hiring by requisition, including agency, requisitions, and pipeline.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Open Job History | This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of jobs that were open during a specified historical time period(s). You can easily drill down into the data for detailed insights and more granular information about job statuses. | Y | Days to Open, Time to Fill, # of Openings. |
Agency | This report provides a list of agencies and the jobs to which they have access. | Y | Job details: Job Title, Requisition Type, Department, Requisition Primary Location, Time to Approve, etc. |
E-Signature Status Report | This report lists all e-signatures created, the status, expiration date, envelope ID, document file ID, and last updated time. | N | |
Hiring Summary | Use this report to create a list of your hires. This report includes the candidate's name, hire date, job title, and all associated recruiters and hiring managers. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Job Activity | This report lists your job titles and requisition IDs, along with metrics for # Referred, # Notified, # Viewed, and # Applied. | N | |
Pipeline |
Use this report to get the current number of candidates in each workflow state for each of your jobs. NOTE: This report does not include candidate fields |
N | |
Pipeline Details | Use this report to get the candidate's details for each job. You can customize this report to include custom fields and workflow state dates as columns or rows. | N | |
Pipeline History | This report provides a historical look at your pipeline. It shows the total number of candidates who have ever been in your workflow states for each job by source. Advanced report users can edit this report to create charts using predefined dimensions. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Pipeline Summary | Use this report to get the total number of candidates currently in your workflow states for each job by source. Advanced report users can edit this report to create charts using predefined dimensions. | Y | Application details: Name, Workflow State, Requisition Location, Region, Type, Recruiter, Hiring Manager, etc. |
Requisition Approvals | Use this report to find detailed data on the time it takes for each approver to approve your requisitions. | Y | Job details: Job Title, Requisition Type, Department, Requisition Primary Location, Time to Approve, etc. |
Requisition Summary |
This report provides the total count of all requisitions grouped by job status. NOTE: This report does not include candidate data. |
Y | Job details: Job Title, Requisition Type, Department, Requisition Primary Location, Time to Approve, etc. |
Requisitions | This basic job report provides a snapshot of your job's status, who is on the hiring team, and the date it was opened. It can be customized to include your choice of requisition details and custom fields. | Y | Job details: Job Title, Requisition Type, Department, Requisition Primary Location, Time to Approve, etc. |
Time to Fill | Use this report to get time to fill metrics and requisition details for each job that has been filled. | N |
Get details on Jobvites sent by employees and Jobvites sent and forwarded.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Employee Jobvites | Use this report to get detailed statistics on which of your employees are sending and forwarding Jobvites, including which channels are used and whether hires are resulting from their activity. | N | |
Jobvites | This report provides detailed statistics on Jobvites sent and forwarded, including which channels are used by requisition. | N | |
Social Recruiting | Use this report to get high-level details on all Evolve ATS (Jobvite) activity by channel. | Y | Drill into smaller time increments: date. |
Candidate Sourcing Summary | This report provides insight into which sources offer the greatest volume of applicants and hires. | Y | # Applicants. |
Get details on employee Evolve ATS activity and hiring team metrics.
Report Name | Description |
Drilldown Available (Y / N) |
Drilldown Topics |
Employee | Use this report to get employee information. The available data includes Employee standard fields, Evolve ATS (Jobvite) invitation status, and Publisher status. | Y | User details: Name, Title, Department, Location, Employee ID, Email. |
Hiring Team Metrics | Use this report to get activity metrics for each recruiter and hiring manager per requisition. | N | |
Hiring Manager |
This dashboard enables hiring managers to track key metrics across their requisitions and overall pipeline, reducing reliance on recruiters to gather insights. |
Y | Requisitions, Candidates, Interviews, Hires, etc. |