The Talemetry Desktop Tools Chrome extension helps recruiters and sourcers quickly move candidates found on the internet (with the Google Chrome browser) into Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM).
All users
- Your company must have the Source/CRM module
- Your admin must have the Allow Company to use Desktop Tools feature switch enabled (user menu > Applications > Source > Features)
- The user must have the Desktop Tools privilege enabled
- You must have completed the Desktop Tools Setup
Add Candidate
Once you have located a candidate profile or resume, click the Talemetry icon (extension) on your Chrome toolbar.
The extension will display the extracted First Name, Last Name, and Email. It may also show you a folder and/or job where the candidate may go along with the source of the candidate based on what you selected the last time you added a candidate using the extension.
You can select one of the following options:
- Click Cancel if the information is not correct. Sometimes, if the page has other information on it, you may first need to select text. See the Tips and Tricks section.
- Click Review if one of the following reasons applies:
- The information displayed is partially correct or is missing at least one of the three key fields
- You want to change the Job, Folder, or Source of the resume
- You want to add Notes or Tags
- You want to add a Lifecycle
- You want to add one or more Audiences
- Click Save if the information is correct. The candidate will be imported into Evolve RM with the extracted data and the settings shown (Folder, Job, Source). A confirmation will display if the extraction was successful.
Tips and Tricks
Desktop Tools isn't visible in my Settings
- Verify with your admin that your organization has been approved and activated for Desktop Tools. If needed, they can submit a Help Center ticket.
- You must have a role with the Desktop Tool privilege enabled. Your admin can verify and adjust if needed.
Viewing Non-HTML Resumes in Browser
- When viewing a resume in the browser, ensure it is not a file attachment (i.e., PDF, MS Word document).
- Check the address and look for .pdf, .doc, or .docx.
- For attachments, you need to first download them and then import them into Evolve RM using the Import > Add Candidate feature.
Select Resume Area on a Web Page
- When adding a candidate to Evolve RM using the Chrome Extension, you can either add the whole page (default) or select the area/text in the browser and then click the desktop tool extension (T).
- It is best to select an area on the web page under the following circumstances:
- There is more than one candidate profile on the page (i.e., a list of candidates). Select the text of one candidate at a time.
- The candidate's profile or resume is in the middle of a page, surrounded by additional information (i.e., header, footer, sidebar, ads, etc.). These can cause poor extraction and are unnecessary to save with the candidate profile. Select the text of just the candidate's resume or profile.
- The extraction is poor. Try selecting the text of the key information on the candidate profile or resume.
Poor Extraction
- If you try processing a resume in a browser and don't get the First Name, Last Name, or Email extraction, select the text of just the key information on the candidate profile or resume, then click the extension (T).
- LinkedIn does not allow full profile page. We recommend downloading the PDF profile and importing it into Evolve RM.
Add Candidate to Evolve RM from Local Web Page
- Chrome extension does not support processing local HTML files. You can import them into Evolve RM using the Import > Add Candidate feature.
Change to Test Environment (Chrome Extension)
If the Evolve team asks you to change your environment for troubleshooting or testing, please do the following:
On a resume web page, click T (desktop extension).
On the pop-up, right-click and choose Inspect Element.
Click the Console tab.
Enter the command (case sensitive): SettingsUtils.setDomain("talemetry-qa.net")
The response will be undefined.
Once this is complete, all Chrome extension calls will be against the test environment. You will need to re-enter a key from a user on the test environment.
NOTE: To change it back to production, follow the same steps, but use this command: SettingsUtils.setDomain("talemetry.com")
Debug Output (Chrome Extension)
For troubleshooting or testing an issue, you may be asked by the Evolve team to look at the output from an attempt to process a resume web page; please do the following:
On a resume web page, click T (Chrome extension).
On the pop-up, right-click and select Inspect Element.
Click the Console tab.
Look for any debug output. Continue to process the resume and look again for debug output.
Send any output you find to the Evolve team.