Analytics Appendix



The analytics appendix provides more details about filters, visualization types, and explores within the Analytics platform.


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Appendix A: Filter Operators

Date Filters

Any Date or Date Part can be added to a report to filter data. All dates and date parts provide the same set of filters, which can be used for any of the following periods.

  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks (week start = Monday; week end = Sunday)
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years
  • Complete seconds
  • Complete minutes
  • Complete hours
  • Complete days
  • Complete weeks (week start = Monday; week end = Sunday)
  • Complete months
  • Complete quarters
  • Complete years

Complete days differ from Days in that it only includes completed days. For example, Last 7 days will consist of the prior seven days, ending with today. However, Last 7 Completed days will include the prior seven days, ending with yesterday.

Operator Description
Is equal to Is equal to the selected value
Contains Contains your user-defined text
Starts with Starts with your user-defined text
Ends with Ends with your user-defined text
Is blank Contains an empty value but is not null
Is null Does not contain any value; will show a symbol.png symbol
Is not equal to Is not equal to the selected value
Doesn’t contain Does not contain your user-defined text
Doesn’t start with Does not start with your user-defined text
Doesn’t end with Does not end with your user-defined text
Is not blank Does not contain an empty value; null values still appear
Is not null Contains any value

String Filters

Analytics helps you choose filter values for text dimensions by displaying a list of existing data values for that field. As you type, Analytics narrows the list to just those values that include that text. Any leading or trailing spaces in text filter values are deleted.

Entering multiple values into a filter, where appropriate, creates an OR condition, meaning all of the values are applied to the filter.

Operator Description
Is equal to Is equal to the selected value
Contains Contains your user-defined text
Starts with Starts with your user-defined text
Ends with Ends with your user-defined text
Is blank Contains an empty value but is not null
Is null Does not contain any value; will show a symbol.png symbol
Is not equal to Is not equal to the selected value
Doesn’t contain Does not contain your user-defined text
Doesn’t start with Does not start with your user-defined text
Doesn’t end with Does not end with your user-defined text
Is not blank Does not contain an empty value; null values still appear
Is not null Contains any value

Number Filters

Operator Description
Is equal to Is equal to
Is greater than Is greater than the value selected
Is greater than or equal to Is greater than or including the value selected
Is less than Is less than the value selected
Is less than or equal to Is less than or equal to the value selected
Is between

Is between, with options:

(Inclusive) - Includes both minimum and maximum values selected

(Exclusive) - does not include minimum and maximum

(Left-inclusive) - includes the minimum value selected but not the maximum value selected 
(Right-inclusive) - includes the maximum value selected but not the minimum value

Is null Does not contain any value; will show a symbol.png symbol
Is not equal to Is not equal to the selected value
Is not between

Is between, with options:

(Inclusive) - Includes both minimum and maximum values selected

(Exclusive) - does not include minimum and maximum

(Left-inclusive) - includes the minimum value selected but not the maximum value selected 
(Right-inclusive) - includes the maximum value selected but not the minimum value

Is not null

Contains any value

Appendix B: Visualization Types

Cartesian Charts

Column Chart

Column charts are best used to compare data sets with relatively few categories. They can show comparisons over time or relative/absolute differences between categories.

column chart.png


Bar Chart

Bar charts are useful for comparing data categories or for comparing changes for multiple groups over the same time period.

bar chart.png


Scatterplot Chart

Scatterplot charts are best used when you are trying to show the relationship between two variables. When you have three variables, one of them can be used to create a bubble effect instead of using dots.

scatterplot chart.png


Line Chart

Line charts compare a variable over a longer time range, with many periods.

line chart.png


Area Chart

Area charts show a comparison of a variable over time, using shading to emphasize relative and absolute differences in that variable.

area chart.png


Boxplot Chart

Boxplot charts help you visualize the distribution and spread of values in your data set. They are handy for comparing values across categories.

boxplot chart.png



Pie and Donut Charts

Pie Chart

Pie charts help illustrate the proportions that several components contribute to a whole.

pie chart.png


Donut Multiples Chart

The Donut Multiples Chart is helpful when you want to show contributions to the whole (similar to a pie chart), but you have an additional variable for comparison (ex, day of week).

donut chart.png

Progression Charts

Funnel Chart

Funnel charts are best used to understand events in a process, like a signup flow or counts of customers who make subsequent orders.

funnel chart.png


Timeline Chart

Timeline charts help you visualize the relationship between groups of events and compare the timespans over which these events took place.

timeline chart.png


Waterfall Chart

Waterfall charts help you visualize how a sequence of positive and negative values adds to a total. These charts are often used for financial data to show how various profits and losses make up a total. Still, waterfalls can also be used more generally to illustrate how different categories contribute to a total, mainly if the data contains positive and negative values.

waterfall chart.png

Text and Tables

Single Value Chart

A Single-Value chart is best used as part of a more extensive dashboard that shows summary information on a particular topic. It shows the single aggregate measure that you select, with options to add changes from a prior period.

single value chart.png


Single Record Chart

The Single Record chart will show all available table values for a single record of your choice. For example, you could use this chart to show all available information for a specific candidate.

single record chart.png


Table Chart

Table charts provide direct views of your data. They can be formatted to illustrate elements of the data that you’d like to highlight using data bars or conditional formatting.

table chart.png


Word Cloud Chart

Word cloud visualizations can highlight popular values or show the frequency of text data using font size and color. In a word cloud chart, more prominent values are displayed with a larger font size than less prominent values.

word cloud chart.png


Map Chart

Map charts enable users to visualize geographic data on responsive and interactive maps. These maps also provide significant control over the way that map points are plotted. To create a map chart, your query must include at least one dimension based on geographic data (latitude and longitude).

map chart.png


Static Map (Regions) Chart

A static map (regions) chart can show categorical geographic data instead of a specific point on a map. For example, this chart type can be used with Zip Code or State data to show numerical data by region.

static map regions.png


Static Map (Points) Chart

Static map (points) charts help plot data represented by points on a map. Static map (points) charts plot a single Zip Code or Location dimension and a single measure. Additional dimensions will be shown in the tooltip when hovering.

static map points.png

Appendix C: Explores

More information on tables and measures included in each Explore Data Model can be found in the Data Dictionaries. 

Explore When to Use
Application Use Application when analyzing applications (also called Applicants or Candidates) and related topics such as Job, Interview, and Compliance. This explore also allows analysis of where an applicant is within the current workflow via the Candidate Workflow and Candidate Milestone fields.
Campaign Use Campaign to analyze campaign performance and activity.
Candidate Milestone Use Candidate Milestone to see statistics on when your applicants are reaching essential milestones (e.g., interviewed, offer accepted, hired) and how long it’s taking them to achieve those milestones.
Candidate Workflow Use Candidate Workflow to see statistics on each applicant workflow state and who’s performing the state transition actions.
Compliance Use Compliance to analyze various applicant compliance-related metrics (e.g., armed services and veterans, disability status, gender, and ethnicity).
Contact Use Contact when you want to analyze contact and contact history data and determine which contacts are assigned to which users.
GDPR Activity Use GDPR Activity to view all GDPR deletion and anonymization activities for applications, contacts, and new hires.
Jobs Use Jobs to analyze all activities related to a job, including agency jobs, current applicants in each job or job workflow step, and job searches.
Onboarding Use Onboarding to view all Onboarding processes, templates, and task activities.
Recruiting Funnel Use Recruiting Funnel to show aggregated applicant progression through key recruiting stages, in addition to relevant applicant and job information.
Screening Form Use Screening Form to view all applicant screening questions and answers, as well as relevant applicant and job information.
User Activity Use User Activity to view Evolve ATS and Engage activity, both aggregate and for individual Users.
Users Invited Use User Invited to view your company users invited to use Evolve ATS and their invitation status.



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