Drill-down into Report Data



Some reports have drill-down enabled on certain fields. Drill-downs enable you to access more detailed information by interacting with a summarized or aggregated part of a report, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your company’s metrics.


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Drill-down in a Report

NOTE: We will use the Applicant Tracking (Jobvite) product folder for this example.

Within Analytics, navigate to Applicant Tracking.

select product catagory.png

Select the Summary folder, then click Recruiting Funnel.

select recruiting funnel.png

When you hover over one of the bars in the Recruiting Funnel report, you can click the data table, which will load the detailed data behind it.

data table.png

From the detailed data, there are two more options:

  • Explore - A new window will open that allows you to edit the filters and fields associated with the data from the detailed data. 
  • Download – This provides several export options, including Excel, CSV, HTML, and others.

explore and download.png

You can also access Explore by clicking the ellipsis next to the data table and selecting Explore from here.

explore from here.png

You will then be taken to the Explore page, where you can add filters and fields and adjust visualizations.

explore view.png


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