Analytics FAQ



The following article contains some frequently asked questions regarding the Analytics platform.


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Q. What's the schedule for data to be reportable once entered into the system?

A. There is no specific time of day. The load runs perpetually—the last step is to restart the process. The average frequency you can expect is a 4-hour weight.


Q. Is there a way to pull a list of all scheduled and/or reports that have run in the last six months?

A. Please submit a Help Center ticket for assistance pulling this information.


Q. What is the difference between the application hired date is in the past 24 hours and application hired date is in the past 24 complete hours?

A. The Past 24 hours look at the last 24 hours from the current hh:mm:ss which can lead to partial hours being added. This can make the data look a little skewed. The complete 24 hours only gives the last 24 complete hours, so you won't ever have a partial hour. We generally recommend doing past 24 complete hours.


Q. If a requisition is closed, filled, and reopened, do the days open count reset or pick up where it left off?

A. Days open is calculated as the time from the original date opened to the date closed/filled (or the current date if still open) minus days closed/on hold. Or pick up where it leaves off rather than reset.


Q. Do we have a way to report how many applicants started an application but did not finish it?

A. Unfortunately, no. However, if you have Talemetry Apply, this can be reported.


Q. Is there a way to increase the maximum number of rows that can be downloaded simultaneously under Analytics?

A. The limit in the browser of 5000 cannot be changed at this time. You can retrieve all results by selecting All Results when downloading.


Q. What is the difference between Copy vs. Move in Analytics?

A. You can copy a report within the overarching section (i.e., My Reports) to the same section. You can also copy a report between sections from My Company → My Reports or vice versa. This is ideal if you want to share a report with others in your company. You can only move reports within an overarching section (i.e., move a report in the My Company section between subfolders). You cannot move reports to a different section, My Company → My Reports, or vice versa.


Q. Can I create a report with notes on a candidate's profile?

A. Unfortunately, no. The notes field is not included in the data ported to the analytics tool.


Q. Can I create a report that includes full job descriptions?

A. Unfortunately, no. The job description field is not included in the data ported to the analytics tool.

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