Analytics Terminology



The following article includes some of the most important terms to get you started in the Analytics platform. 


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App Switcher - The App Switcher is the nine-box icon in the upper left that allows you to switch between Evolve products and Analytics.

Product Folder—Within Analytics, you can access standard reports from the product line folders (Applicant Tracking, Recruitment Marketing, and Intelligent Messaging).

Report - A general term used to describe all analytics content types (Look, Dashboard, Tile).

Look - A single part of a report or dashboard. A Look can be a table or various charts; multiple looks can be combined into a central dashboard or report. To modify a dashboard, you'll be primarily modifying the Looks within the dashboard.

Dashboard - A compilation of Looks and Tiles. A dashboard can be created with one or many looks embedded within it. Dashboards are containers for content and the filters by which you want to limit the data.

Tile - If you don't think you'll reuse a chart or table on multiple dashboards, then you can save it directly to a Dashboard, which will become a Tile on the dashboard. This tile will only exist on the dashboard it was saved to and will require editing the dashboard to make modifications to this tile. You should create a Look instead of a tile, as it will be easier to maintain/edit in the future.

Filter – Filters show only the relevant data on a Dashboard or Look. Filters are at the top of each Dashboard or Look to enable users to select the data segment most relevant to their needs. Filters are always shown at the top of the screen, whether running or building a report.

Explore - A data model that you can use to find data tables related to a specific topic. For example, if you're looking for information related to a requisition, you could start with the Requisition Explore to find information about requisitions, requisition approvers, hiring managers, approvers, etc.

Dimension - An attribute of the data that typically describes a concept (e.g., the name of a candidate, the date an interview was scheduled, the location of a job) and can be used as fields within a table or chart or to filter out individual records. Dimensions appear as blue columns in data tables.

Measure - Typically, a fact, numerical column, or calculation (e.g., # of Candidates, # of Interviews, # of Clicks) that is calculated in aggregate. These fields can also be used as filters but will filter out aggregates vs. individual records. Measures appear as orange columns in data tables.

Visualization - The chart, graph, or table that displays your data in a Look. In the report builder, the visualization will be the middle section, between Filters and Data. For more information on available visualization types, see Appendix B.

Table Calculation - Table calculations make it easy to create ad hoc metrics. They can perform mathematical, logical (true/false), lexical (text-based), and date-based calculations on your query's dimensions, measures, and other table calculations. Table calculations appear as green columns in a data table.

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