Copy/Share a Report



Copying/sharing both standard and custom reports allows you to modify the report and share it with others in your company. You can copy a report within the overarching section (i.e., My Reports) to the same section. You can also copy a report between sections from My CompanyMy Reports or vice versa. This is ideal if you want to share a report with others in your company.

NOTE: Move Reports - You can only move reports within an overarching section (e.g., move a report in the My Company section between subfolders). You cannot move reports to a different section, My Company → My Reports, or vice versa.


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Important Concepts / Definitions

Below are a few important concepts to remember as you seek to modify existing reports to meet your unique needs.

  • Look – Defined as a single part of a report or dashboard. A look can be a table or various charts, and multiple looks can be combined into a central dashboard or report. To modify a report, you'll be primarily modifying the Looks within the report.
  • Dashboard – A compilation of Looks. Each standard report is considered a dashboard with one or many looks embedded within it. Dashboards are containers for content and the filters by which you want to limit the data. For these following sections, dashboards and reports will be used interchangeably.
  • Dimension – An attribute of the data that typically describes a concept (i.e., the name of a candidate, the date an interview was scheduled, the location of a job) and can be used as fields within a table or chart or as a way to filter out individual records.
  • Measure – Typically a fact, numerical column, or calculation (i.e., # of Candidates, # of Interviews, # of Clicks) that is calculated in aggregate. These fields can also be used as filters but will filter out aggregates vs. individual records.

Copy a Standard Report

To customize a standard report, you first must copy the report to your personal or company folder. We will use reports from the Applicant Tracking product category for the following example.

Within Analytics, navigate to the product category, then select a report folder.

select catagory and folder.png

Click the menu icon next to the report you want to edit, then select Copy.

copy report.png

The copy action will copy both the dashboard and subsequent looks contained within the dashboard to the folder you selected.

In the Copy Dashboard pop-up window, fill out the following fields:

  • Name – Add a name for the dashboard you're copying.
  • Location—This is where the dashboard copy will live in analytics. Until you're ready to share your report with others using the My Company folder, it's recommended that you use your personal folder, My Reports.
  • Description – Add a brief description of what this dashboard displays.

copy dashboard.png

Click Copy.

To access your new report, select My Reports, then choose your copied report.

view copied report.png

Copy a Report to My Company/Group Folder

After completing your new report/dashboard, you can share it with others in your company.

Navigate to My Reports, click the menu icon next to the report you want to edit, then select Copy.

copy report.png

The copy action will copy both the dashboard and subsequent looks contained within the dashboard to the folder you selected.

In the Copy Dashboard pop-up window, fill out the following fields:

  • Name – Add a name for the dashboard you're copying.
  • Location – This is where the dashboard copy will live in analytics to share your report with others using the My Company folder.
  • Description – Add a brief description of what this dashboard displays.

copy dashboard.png

Click Copy.

You will be automatically redirected to the My Company tab within seconds.

If you are not redirected, click My Company and select your copied report.

view my company.png

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