Add a New Field to a Standard Report



Adding new fields to your reports allows you to include additional beneficial data. This will enable you to include a broader range of data, providing deeper insights and information that can be tailored to your business needs.


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Add a Field to a Look Tile within a Dashboard

NOTE: Reports in My Reports are saved copies of standard reports or custom reports. See Copy/Share a Report or Create a Custom Report for more information.

Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports, then select your Dashboard

view copied report.png

Within the dashboard, click the settings icon in the upper right corner of the Look, then click Edit.

edit dashboard.png

The Edit Look dialogue box will open. In the left pane, locate the table and field you want to add to your Look. Select your field, which will display as a column in the Data results preview area (likely at the end of the table). You can drag and drop the field left or right to move it within the table.

edit look.png

Click Run.

The new field will be shown in the Visualization section (you may need to expand the Visualization menu to view), which previews how your edited Look will appear when completed.

field vis.png

Depending on which visualization options you've chosen, you may have additional options to rename or format the new column's appearance.

For example, click Edit at the top right within Table Visualization.

edit vis.png

Click the Series tab to change your new column's text formatting, alignment, color, or label.

add series.png

When you are done editing your Look, click Save.

You have now successfully added a new field to your Look.

Add a Field to a Single Look

Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports, then select your copied report

select look.png

Click the settings icon in the upper right corner, then select Explore from here.

explore from here.png

The Explore page will display.

explore page.png

In the left pane, locate the table and field you want to add to your Look. Select your field, which will display as a column in the Data results preview area (likely at the end of the table). You can drag and drop the field left or right to move it within the table.

add fields.png

Click Run.

The new field will be shown in the Visualization section (you may need to expand the Visualization menu to view), which previews how your edited Look will appear when completed.


Depending on which Visualization options you've chosen, you may have additional options to rename or format the new column's appearance.

For example, click Edit at the top right within Table Visualization.

edit vis 2.png

Click the Series tab to change your new column's text formatting, alignment, color, or label.

add series 2.png

When you are done editing your Look, click Run.

Click Save.

NOTE: Saving a Look will also update the Dashboard for the Look you're editing.

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