Create a Custom Report



Utilizing the option to create a custom report in the Analytics platform is a great way to pull report data that might not be included in the standard reports. This lets you ensure the report has information relevant to you and your reporting needs.


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Important Concepts / Definitions

Below are a few essential concepts to review as you create reports from scratch.

  • Look – Defined as a single part of a report or dashboard. A Look can be a table or various charts; multiple looks can be combined into a central dashboard or report. To modify a report, you’ll be primarily modifying the Looks within the report.
  • Tile—If you don’t think you’ll reuse a chart or table on multiple reports/dashboards, you can save it directly to a Dashboard, which will become a Tile on the dashboard. This tile will only exist on the dashboard it was saved to and will require editing the dashboard to modify it. In general, we recommend creating a Look instead of a tile, as it is easier to maintain/edit in the future.
  • Dashboard – A compilation of Looks. Each standard report is considered a dashboard with one or many looks embedded within it. Dashboards are containers for content and the filters by which you want to limit the data. For the following few sections, dashboards and reports will be used interchangeably.
  • Explore – Another name for a pre-defined data model. Explores consist of tables and fields from which analysis can be derived.

Create New Report

Within Analytics, navigate to the My Reports tab, then click Create New Report.

create new report.png

Next, select an Explore.

choose explore.png

Click OK. For more information on available Explores, see Appendix C.

Within a table in an Explore, you have Measures and Dimensions.

  • Dimension – An attribute of the data that typically describes a concept (i.e., the name of a candidate, the date an interview was scheduled, the location of a job) and can be used as fields within a table or chart or as a way to filter out individual records.
  • Measure – Typically a fact, numerical column, or calculation (i.e., # of Candidates, # of Interviews, # of Clicks) that is calculated in aggregate. These fields can also be used as filters but will filter out aggregates vs. individual records. In an Explore, Measures are located at the bottom of the table data and are shown in orange font.

NOTE: When selecting Total or Subtotals in the data pane, this will apply only to measures.

add fields.png

In this example, we’ve built a dataset showing the Requisition count by Primary Recruiter Full Name and Requisition Category for all Requisitions Modified in the last six months.

explore details.png

Expand the Visualization section of your Explore window to add a visualization using this data. Since we have multiple categories, displaying this data in a Subtotals table makes sense.

explore vis.png

Click the menu icon in the Visualizations section, and then select Subtotals Table.

add table.png

Click Run.

Once you are satisfied with your report, you can save it to a Dashboard or as a Look. Please see Save a Report for more information.

NOTE: If you Save as a Look without adding it to a dashboard, you won’t see the Look in the main reports menu. To re-access this content, click the four box.png icon in the top right of your screen on any report and navigate to Looks under your personal (personal folder.png) or company (company folder.png) folder. From there, you can save the Look to a dashboard or make any needed edits.

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