The ability to save reports in the Analytics platform allows you to easily access custom or modified standard reports without recreating them.
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Save to a New Dashboard
To save your Look to a new Dashboard in Analytics, navigate to your My Reports or My Company folder, then select a Look.
Click the settings icon > Save > As a new dashboard.
Add a new Title and then select My folder.
Click Save.
Your new dashboard will appear in your Personal folder, Dashboards. You’ll receive a success message stating that your Look has been saved to a new dashboard.
To navigate to your new Dashboard, go to the My Reports tab and click the Dashboard you created in an earlier step.
Save to an Existing Dashboard
Click the settings icon > Save > To an existing dashboard.
Choose the folder and dashboard to which you’d like to save your Look.
Click Save to Dashboard.
Save as a Look
Click the settings icon > Save > As a Look.
Give your Look a:
- Title
- Description
- Select a folder
Click Save.
To view your saved Looks, click the folder icon, then select the folder. All your Looks will be displayed in the menu.