Pivot Data



In the Analytics platform, viewing multiple dimensions by pivoting one of them horizontally is often simpler. This turns each value in that dimension into a column in your report, enhancing visual clarity and minimizing the need for scrolling to locate data. Analytics allows for up to 200 pivoted values.


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Pivot a Look's Results by a Dimension

Within Analytics, navigate to your My Reports or My Company folder and select the Look on which you want to pivot data.

select look.png

Click on the settings icon, then select Edit.

edit look settings.png

Click the settings icon at the top of the column in the data table, then select Pivot.

pivot data.png

Click Run to re-run the query.

You can unpivot a field by clicking the settings icon at the top of the column in the data table and then selecting Unpivot.


Pivots and nulls

A row of data lacking a value for a particular column is marked with the null value symbol, represented by a zero with a slash null.png.

Pivots and sorting

You can also sort pivoted dimensions by clicking the dimension title in the data table. Hold the Shift key to sort by multiple pivoted dimensions and click on the dimension titles in your desired order. When sorting a pivoted measure, rows with values in that column are sorted first, followed by rows without data, which are indicated by the null value symbol.

Common Pivot Examples

The following examples demonstrate common pivots using the Application Explore for two different reports:

  • Current Number of Candidates in each Workflow State by Requisition
  • Number of candidates that have ever made it to every workflow state by Requisition

Current Number of Candidates in each Workflow State by Requisition

Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports or My Company, then click Create New Report.

create new report.png

Select Application from the Explore dropdown menu.

choose app explore.png

Ensure you add in the following fields plus any other fields you would like in the report:

  • Requisition ID
  • Application Workflow State – Current
  • Application # of Applications
  • Requisition Job Title and Requisition Category have been included for this example

added fields.png

Click the settings icon next to Application Workflow State - Current, then select Pivot.

pivot data 2.png

Click Run.

This will pivot your data, allowing you to see the number of applications currently in each workflow state by requisition.

pivoted data.png

To unpivot your data, select the settings icon next to Application Workflow State - Current, then click Unpivot.

unpivot data.png

Number of candidates that have ever made it to every workflow state by Requisition

Within Analytics, navigate to My Reports or My Company, then click Create New Report.

create new report.png

Select Application from the Explore dropdown menu.

choose app explore.png

Ensure you add in the following fields plus any other fields you would like in the report:

  • Requisition ID
  • Candidate Workflow Next Workflow State Name (Workflow Sorting)
  • Application # of Applications
  • Requisition Job Title and Requisition Category have been included for this example

added fields 2.png

NOTE: We recommend using the (Workflow Sorting) field option of the 2 Candidate Workflow Next Workflow State Name fields available because this will sort the pivot in order of how you have the workflow steps set up in the ATS versus the other option will sort the workflow states alphabetically.

NOTE: We use the Next Workflow State Name field, not the Previous Workflow State Name field because using the previous workflow state name will not include an applicant's current workflow state. The Next Workflow State Name represents application X transitioned into workflow state Y at time Z, so this field will consist of even current workflow states an applicant is in.

Select the settings icon next to Candidate Workflow Next Workflow State Name (Workflow Sorting) and click Pivot.

pivot data 3.png

Click Run.

This will pivot your data, allowing you to see the number of candidates who have reached every workflow state by requisition.

pivoted data 2.png

To unpivot your data, select the settings icon again in the Candidate Workflow Next Workflow State Name (Workflow Sorting) and click Unpivot.

unpivot data 2.png


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