Email Notifications



Onboard in Evolve ATS generates reminders and notifications through emails to the recipients. When a recognized event occurs (e.g., onboarding completion), the recipients configured to receive a notification will receive an email.


Onboarding Admin


There are several components involved in understanding how email notifications work.

  • Events – The event is defined as the condition that must be met for Evolve ATS to send an email (e.g., Task is completed). Evolve has a predefined set of events that generate a notification. Users cannot add a custom event.
  • Recipient – The person who receives the email. You can configure one of the following types of users to receive a notification email:
    • New Hire
    • Task Assignee
    • Task Watcher
    • Orchestrator
    • Hiring Manager
    • Process Watcher

The system watches for the following events:

Event Description
Process Level Events
Kickoff Process A new onboarding process was kicked off.
Group Activation of Scheduled Tasks A bunch of tasks were kicked off simultaneously.
Abandoning Active Process A process that has been previously kicked off and is now abandoned.
Abandoning Scheduled Process A process scheduled to be kicked off in the future is abandoned.
Start Date Changing on Active Process, but Due Dates Not Changed A start date has been changed for a new hire, but all the task-related due dates are still valid.
Due Dates Changed at Start Date Change Event Due dates for tasks changed due to the new hire's start date changing.
Start Date Changing on Scheduled Process The new hire's start date changed when onboarding was scheduled to begin.
Hiring Manager Changing on Active Process Hiring manager changed for the new hire after the onboarding process was kicked off.
Hiring Manager Changing on Scheduled Process The hiring manager changed for the new hire when the onboarding was scheduled but not kicked off.
Orchestrator Change on Active Process An orchestrator changed on onboarding, which was already in process.
Orchestrator Change on Scheduled Process An orchestrator changed the scheduled process but was not yet kicked off.
Completion of a Process Onboarding is completed for the new hire.
Watcher Added A new process watched was added to the process.
Watcher Removed A watcher was removed from the process
Task Level Events
Task Activation A task was activated (is actionable by the assignee).
Task Completion Assignee completed a task.
Task is Overdue A task has not been completed even though the due date has passed.
Assignee Changing on Active Task Assignee changed on a task that was previously assigned and activated.
Assignee Changing on Scheduled / Pending Task Assignee changed on a task that was previously scheduled but not activated.
Due Date Changing on a Single Active Task but not from Start Date Change The due date changed for an active task. The driver for this change was not from the start date change.
Due Date Changing on Scheduled / Pending Task The due date changed for a task that was scheduled but not activated. The driver for this change was not from the start date change.
Task Activation Date Changing The task activation date was changed.
Watcher Added A watcher was added to the task.
Watcher Removed A watcher was removed from the task.
Raising Issue An assignee sent a message regarding a task.
Commenting A comment was added to the task.
Resolving Issue The orchestrator responded to a question from an assignee regarding a task.
Termination Task A task was terminated.
Task Reminders
Task Reminder – 24h – Due Soon A reminder is sent 24 hours before the task due date.
Task Reminder – 3 Days A reminder is sent 72 hours before a task due date.
Activation of Reopened Task A task was reopened after completion.

Configure Notifications

You can configure the following aspects of notifications:

  • Recipients – Who receives the notification.
  • Template – The body of the email notification for each recipient.

Navigate to your user menu > Admin > Onboard > View Email Templates.

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The events are separated into Onboarding process events and Task events. Click either option.

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You can configure the recipient for each event notification by checking/unchecking the box in the Sent an Email column for each event.

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Every notification has a default template. You can click Preview to review the body of the template.

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You can also configure your custom template by clicking Add new template.

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Customize Email Templates

Select Copy next to the desired email notification you want to customize.

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Name your new template. The template code will auto-populate. Then, click Copy template.

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A new template will be created. Click Edit next to the template title.

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Make any desired changes to the email body and click Save.

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Click Set as default if you want to use this template instead of the old one.

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Deactivate Notification

If you want to deactivate a notification, uncheck the box next to the notification.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 12.54.43 PM.png

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