Create Option Sets



As an Onboard Admin, you may need to create a reusable option list for your custom or ad hoc fields (i.e., Rating Scale). Once created, the list will be available to select when creating a new field. Allowing option sets to be used as Option Tag Sets will enable you to attach additional value(s) on individual options in another option set.


Onboarding Admin

Create Option Set

Navigate to your user menu > Admin > Onboard > Option sets.

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Click + New Option set.

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Complete the fields:

  • Option set name – Enter the desired name for your Option set.
  • External code - Enter the desired code that aligns with your HRIS.

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Click Save option set and go to options.

Complete the Basic Info:

  • Option name – The name you want to appear on the list.
  • External code – Enter a code that aligns with your HRIS.

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Click Save.

Repeat this process until all values are entered.

Click Finish adding options.

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There is an option for sorting if desired. The default sort order is according to the Date Created (ascending). If you want to change the default sort order to another convention, follow the steps below. If not, skip to Subsets.

Click the Sorting tab.

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Click Default sort order.

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Click X Close sort view.

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Click + Add new sorting.

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Select the desired Sorting type:

  • Define sorting rules by attribute – This could be your typical sorting by name or any other attribute, including custom attributes defined on the Option Set Template. In addition, you can place certain options at the top or at the bottom of the list. A typical example would be: I would like a sorted list of countries but would like to place the US and Canada at the top as they are our common choices.
    • When creating an attribute, if you intend to use it for sorting, please make sure you check Make this field searchable and sortable. Click Create > enter desired sorting name > select the desired option within the Select attribute for sorting field > select either Ascending or Descending > select the desired option within the Option exclusion field > Click Save sort order.
  • Define manual sort order – This is where the admin explicitly sorts options. New options would always end up at the bottom of the list. Evolve ATS allows UI management of manual sorting only if you have 100 options or less.
    • Click Create > enter desired sorting name > within the Options section, drag and drop values until they are in the preferred order > click Save sort order.

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The Option code will be pre-populated. The value can be changed but not edited once you save the Option Set.

Repeat these steps until all values are added to the Option set.


There is an option for subsets if desired.

Click the Subsets tab.

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Click + Add new subset.

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Complete the Create subset fields:

  • Subset name – Enter the desired name.
  • Subset code – This will be auto-populated based on the name.
  • Description – Enter details about your subset.
  • Subset rules – Subsets can have an explicit set or options (Include only specific options). Or, you may want to exclude certain options and leave everything else (Exclude only specific options). If you are using Include only specific options, you can also drag and drop options to define an order that can be used instead of sorting.

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Click Save.

Create Tags within an Option Set

As an onboard admin, you may need to create tag sets. These allow you to associate additional value(s) on individual options in another option set.

Select the Tagging Ability checkbox when creating an Option Set. By selecting this checkbox, the Option Set will be available to select when creating any additional Option Sets within the Tagged by following section.

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There are three options when configuring Tagged by following:

  • Each option must be tagged – Each option of this Option Set must have at least one tag.
  • Multi-tag – A single option of this Option Set can have multiple tags.

NOTE: An option must not be tagged if neither option is selected.

Example: You want to create a list of available operating systems for your new hire’s computer:

Navigate to your user menu > Admin > Onboard > Option Sets > + New Option set.

Name your option set Operating Systems.

Select the Tagging ability option.

Select the Option Tag, Operating Systems, from the dropdown.

Enter the following options in the Tagging Relationship name field:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Apple iOS
  • Linux

Create a new option set called Computer Models.

Select the Tagging ability option.

Select the Option Tag, Operating Systems, from the dropdown.

Enter the following name in the Tagging Relationship name field: Models Operating System.

Select the green checkmark.

Click Save option set and go to options.

Within the Options tab, enter your list of available Computer Models (MacBook Air, etc.).

Select the appropriate option from the Models Operating System dropdown.

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Click Save.

Add the additional options until all models are added. Then, click X Finish adding options.

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