New e-signature offer letter templates can be created in Evolve ATS.
To configure offer letter templates, you must enable Offer Letter Generation in Evolve Admin.
To enable, navigate to Admin > ATS > View Candidate Settings. If not already enabled in your system, click Edit at the bottom of the page, then click Enabled below Offer Letter Generation.
Click Save.
Getting Started
Now that you have verified that Offer Letter Generation is enabled in your system navigate to your user menu > Admin > ATS > View Offer Settings > View Offer Letter Templates.
Click Edit under the Offer Letter eSignature Templates section.
This will designate that the uploaded offer letter you complete in this process will be eSignature enabled.
Add e-Signature Offer Template
Click Add New Template to upload a new template.
Follow the steps that appear on the e-signature template creation page.
Step 1: Introduction - The offer letter template is a Word file used by Evolve to automatically generate offer letter documents for your company's candidates, as shown in the attachment below.
Click Next.
Step 2: Download Template - Click Download eSig Template. Open the template in Word.
Click View placeholders to see all the possible e-signature template fields that can be used in your offer letter template.
Copying/pasting these fields is recommended so you can use them throughout the process.
- [candidate-sign-1] - Candidate’s signature
- [candidateCandidate's1] - E-sig provider will replace with date that candidate signed
- [candidate-sign-intials-1] - Candidate’s initials
- [candidate-Candidate's] - E-sig provider will replace with candidate’s full name
- [company-scandidate'smpany signer’s signature
- [company-signsigner's - E-sig provider will replace with the date that company signer signed
- [company-sign-intials-2] - Company signer’s initials
- [company-sign-signer's- E-sig provider will replace with company signer’s full name
See e-Signature Template Formatting and Best Practices. Click Next.
Step 3: Upload - Select Choose File and upload your saved offer letter template.
You will run into warnings if:
- Your offer letter place holder name does not match the expected naming convention.
- No corresponding custom field in your Evolve account for the place holder mentioned in the offer template.
To ignore these warnings, select Accept the uploaded offer letter with these warnings.
NOTE: You will run into an error if [candidate-sign-1] is missing because it is a mandatory placeholder field.
Click Next.
Step 4: Preview - Click Preview to review the offer letter with the data shown.
Click Submit.
Step 5: Confirmation - Click Done. From this point forward, your new offer letter template will be available in the Offer Generation step in candidate profiles.
e-Signature Offer Template Formatting and Best Practices
- The E-sig template placeholder fields will be visible to the candidate when they receive the offer letter.
- To mask the E-sig template placeholder fields, change the font color to white (or match the background color of the offer letter).
- Ensure at least one space between the closing template bracket field”]” and the subsequent character" "f not, DocuSign will not detect the template fields.
- Ex.[candidate-sign-1]<space>____
- The file name of the offer letter template should include an e-signature to distinguish it from the non-e-signature offer letters in the UI.
- Offer letter is tagged as eSignature enabled because the Edit button on the e-Sig section was clicked at the start of this process.