Q. How do I know which users have access to Intelligent Messaging (IM)?
- Export the employee list from USERS > employees; filter on the Jobvite Intelligent Messaging checkbox column.
Q. How do I add or remove Intelligent Messaging licenses from users?
During implementation, customers will provide an initial user list for Intelligent Messaging—the implementation manager will configure all of these users.
After implementation concludes, if you want to add licensees, you will do so by:
- Updating the User Profile to Enable Intelligent Messaging. Selecting the Intelligent Messaging checkbox allows the widget to show up in the user profile; however, the user will need an SMS phone number assigned before being able to utilize the feature.
- Creating a Support ticket to request an SMS phone number to be assigned to the user (after the user has been enabled). Provide the following information in the ticket:
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- User Email
- Preferred Area Code
After implementation concludes, if a customer wants to remove licenses, they will do so by:
- Creating a Support ticket to request Intelligent Messaging permissions be removed from the user. Provide the following information in the ticket:
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- User Email
Q. How do I increase the number of users with Intelligent Messaging access?
- The system will allow you to add as you go until you reach your seat cap. When the seat cap has been reached, you should contact your Account Manager to increase the number of Jobvite Intelligent Messaging licenses for your company or review the CSV export from the Employee list and disable the checkbox for employees who don’t need access.
- For further questions, reach out via our Support channels (Slack, tickets, etc.).
Can users who don’t have Intelligent Messaging enabled see texting conversations?
No. Only users with the Jobvite Intelligent Messaging checkbox enabled get to see the conversations.