Fall 2024 Release
The Company Homepage Dashboard in the Recruitment Marketing (RM) platform includes metrics that can be accessed via the Recruitment Marketing homepage.
Access Dashboard
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Dashboard.
Click Company.
The new Company Dashboard will be displayed.
There are several new filters and sections within this dashboard. The following segments will provide additional information about the dashboard filters and sections.
- Recruiter - Limits the dashboard to a specific Recruiter.
- Job List - Limits the dashboard to a specific Job List.
- Interval Sector - This filter will determine the time axis sectioned out by day, week, month, quarter, or year for tiles with trend lines.
The following filters must be used together:
- Current Date Range - The current date range is the current time frame you want to select for the dashboard; it must be less than the Compare To filter. NOTE: This applies to all visuals in the dashboard.
- Compare To - The Compare To filter allows you to compare the following three options:
- Previous Month
- Previous Quarter
- Previous Year
This must be larger than what is in the Current Date Range filter, for example:
- If you choose a previous month in the Compare To filter, the Current Date Range must be under 30 days.
- If you choose a previous quarter in the Compare To filter, the Current Date Range must be under 90 days.
- If you choose a previous year in the Compare To filter, the Current Date Range must be under 365 days.
NOTE: This only applies to the first nine tiles in the system snapshot section and only affects the comparison numbers at the bottom of the tiles.
- System Snapshot - This section is KPI metrics on system performance. You can drill down to see more details for each category below. These tiles include a trend up or down in a specific time period beneath the total number based on the Current Date Range and Compare To filters.
- # of Active Jobs - The number of active jobs. Draft and archived jobs will not be shown.
- # of Autobroadcast Jobs - The number of active auto-broadcast jobs at the end of the time period.
- # of Email Events - The number of email events that happened in the time period.
- # Noted - The number of candidates that had notes added to their profiles in the time period.
- # of Active Users - The number of active users in the system.
- # of Emails Sent - The number of emails sent in the time period.
- # Tagged - The number of candidates tagged in the time period.
- # of Candidates - The number of candidate profiles in the company.
- # of SMS Messages Sent - The number of SMS messages sent in the time period.
- Trend Tiles
- Active Jobs Trend - This shows the trend of active jobs up or down in a time period.
- # of Candidate Trend - The number of candidates up or down in a time period.
- Company Activity Over Time Graph
- # Folder Add Candidates - Number of candidates added to folders over time.
- # of CRM Stage Changes - Number of candidates whose stage changed over time.
- # Emailed - Number of emails sent over time.
- # SMS Sent - Number of SMS messages sent over time.
- # Invited to Apply - Number of candidates invited to apply over time.
- # Noted - Number of candidates with notes added to their profiles over time.
- # Tagged - Number of candidates that were tagged over time.
- Career Sites - A list of your active career sites, excluding any Talent Network sites or sites that have had no jobs posted. Each career site is reported with the following fields:
- Landing Domain- URL for career site landing page.
- Career Site Type - Internal or External.
- Count Job Group ID - The count of the Job Group IDs on the site.
- Jobs - The number of Job External IDs on the site.
- Views - The number of views a site has had.
- Jobs Viewed - The number of jobs viewed by visitors on the career site.
- Starts - The number of started applications from the career site.
- Completes - The number of completed applications from the career site
- Hires - The number of hires from applications tied to the career site.