The Recruiter Homepage Dashboard in the Recruitment Marketing (RM) platform includes metrics that can be accessed via the Recruitment Marketing homepage.
Admins and Recruiters
Access Dashboard
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Dashboard.
Click Recruiter.
The new Recruiter Dashboard will be displayed.
There are several new filters and sections within this dashboard. The following segments will provide additional information about the dashboard filters and sections.
- Recruiter || User_ID - Filter the dashboard to a specific recruiter.
- Date Range - Filter the dashboard to a specific date range.
- Job List - Filter the dashboard to a specific job list.
- Recruiter Action Summary
- Total Recruiter Actions Performed - The total number of actions a recruiter performs.
- Recruiter Actions by Type - Recruiter actions are broken out by type to see what the most common activities are for a given recruiter.
- # of Recruiter Activities per Week - The number of recruiter activities broken down by week (will NOT change with recruiter filter).
- Top 5 Recruiter Actions - The top 5 recruiter actions performed (will NOT change with recruiter filter).
- My Top 5 Actions - The system's current user's top 5 actions.
- Candidate Action Tiles
- # of Candidates Actioned in Job - The number of candidates that had some type of action taken against them in Job (shows the number of candidates actioned and the number of actions).
- # of Candidates Actioned in Search - The number of candidates that had some type of action taken against them in Search (shows the number of candidates actioned and the number of actions).
- # of Candidates Actioned in Folder - The number of candidates that had some type of action taken against them in Folders (shows the number of candidates actioned and the number of actions).
- # of Candidates Actioned in Import - The number of candidates that had some type of action taken against them in Imports (shows the number of candidates actioned and the number of actions)
- # of Candidates Actioned in Talent Network – The number of candidates that had some type of action taken against them in the Talent Network (shows the number of candidates actioned and the number of actions)
- CRM Stage Change Metrics
- Weekly CRM Stage Changes in Folders - The number of stage changes that happened to candidates in folders over time.
- Weekly CRM Stage Changes in Jobs - The number of stage changes that happened to candidates in jobs over time.
- CRM Stage Changes by Folder - The number of stage changes by folder.
- Candidates Per Stage in Folders - The number of candidates in each stage in folders.
- Candidates Per Stage in Jobs - The number of candidates in each stage in Jobs.
- Actionable Metric Tiles
- # of Jobs Assigned to User - The number of jobs assigned to the current user.
- Candidates Per Stage in My Jobs - The number of candidates per stage in the user’s assigned jobs.
- Applicants in the First 30 Days - The number of candidates that submitted their application less than 30 days ago.
- Candidates Associated with User's Jobs - The number of candidates associated with the User’s Jobs.