Native eSignature for Offer Letters FAQ


Evolve’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Jobvite eSignature helps simplify Offer Generation for recruiters and candidates, providing a seamless experience. Users can email a link to the candidate that will direct them to their Jobseeker Portal. Once the candidate logs into the portal, they can grant consent for eSignatures and view/sign their Offer Letter.


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Q. Why isn’t the Jobvite eSignature section available within Admin > ATS > View Candidate Settings?

A. To see the Jobvite eSignature option, you must enable Offer Letter Generation.


Q. When enabling Jobvite eSignature, what is the Expire Candidate Offer after number of calendar days setting?

A. This setting controls when the candidate’s request for electronic signature will expire. The expiration date will be calculated by the Date/Time when the Offer Letter is sent to the candidate plus the number of days entered by the Jobvite Admin.


Q. What is the valid number for the Expire Candidate Offer after number of calendar days setting?

A. Your Jobvite Admin must enter a number between 1 and 365.


Q. Regarding the Expire Candidate Offer after number of calendar days setting, can we change the number of calendar days to business days?

A. No.


Q. How will a recruiter know when a candidate’s request for electronic signature is scheduled or has expired?

A. The user will see the Offer Letter Expiration Date label within the candidate's Offer Generation workflow step. To the right of the label is the date on which the Offer will expire.


Q. What is the candidate’s experience when their offer letter has expired?

A. When the candidate logs into the Jobseeker portal, the Offer Letter within the Application Details screen displays the Signature Request Expired text.


Q. When a candidate’s Offer Letter has expired, can a user grant an extension?

A. Yes. The user must navigate to the candidate’s Offer Generation workflow step. Click Resend to Candidate. This will extend the time to electronically sign by the number of days set within the Expire Candidate Offer after number of calendar days setting. Evolve does not prompt or store the users’ video conference login credentials.

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