Apply Workflows in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) are a flexible, use-case-driven way to collect candidate data. They can be configured to meet your specific requirements and needs.
Company Admins
Use Cases
Apply Workflows can address many common use cases:
- Apply for Job - Internal or External
- Join Talent Network
- Take a Talent Assessment (employee survey)
- Make a Referral (employee referral)
- Register for an Event (event job apply)
- Collect identification data before redirecting to the ATS to complete the application (pre-apply)
- Create Multiple workflows that contain compliance questions for different jurisdictions
- Dynamic per-job questions
- Client Branding
- Client Messaging
- Client-specific steps
- Client-specific labels, buttons, text per step
- Different Languages (one per workflow or multiple languages supported in one workflow)
List Workflows (Standard)
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Apply, then click Workflows.
The main page shows a list of apply workflows configured for your company.
For each Workflow you can see:
- Left Column
- Workflow Brand Icon
- Workflow Name
- Workflow Brand Name
- Language of Workflow
- Steps that are turned on (small text under the name)
- Workflow Tags configured (in slugs under the steps)
- Right Column
- Last Updated
- Last Created
- Last Active (In current week, not in current week)
- Workflow Type - The following are the workflow types available:
- External Application - An external candidate applies for a job or joins a Talent Network that results in a candidate application. This workflow type can be configured on an external/public site or using the URL launcher.
- Employee Application - An internal candidate applies for a job or joins a Talent Network within their organization, which results in an Employee Candidate application. This requires that the employee is authenticated on the Career Site. This workflow type should only be configured on an internal Career Site and does not work with a URL launcher.
- Employee Referral - An employee authenticated on an internal Career Site directly refers a candidate to a job or generally to the company. This requires the Employee Referral module. This requires that the employee is authenticated on the Career Site. This workflow type should only be configured on an internal Career Site and does not work with a URL launcher.
- Employee Survey—An employee authenticated on an internal Career Site takes an employee survey. This requires the Internal Mobility module and that the employee be authenticated on the Career Site. This workflow type should only be configured on an internal Career Site and does not work with a URL launcher.
- Pre-Apply - A candidate is on an external career site and will apply for a job on the ATS. Before redirecting to the ATS, the basic data is captured. If the Employee Referral module is on and this is related to a social referral, a referral record is created.
For each Workflow, you can:
- Configure Content - Click on the name or the link to view the information on the Apply Workflow.
- Delete Workflow - If not used, you can delete the workflow.
List Workflows (Language)
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Apply, then click Workflows.
Click Language Workflows.
When the Language Workflow feature is on for the company, the main page shows a list of Language Apply workflows configured for your company. Previously configured Standard workflows are also accessible.
For each Workflow you can see:
- Left Column
- Workflow Brand Icon
- Workflow Name
- Workflow Brand Name
- Steps that are turned on (small text under the name)
- Language(s) of Workflow (default + X more) - hover over to see list of languages
- Green Indicator - All languages are configured correctly for questions for the brand
- Orange Indicator - Some languages are not configured for correction for questions on the brand
- Workflow Tags configured (in slugs under the steps)
- Right Column
- Application Type
- Standard Application - An external candidate applies for a job or joins a Talent Network that results in a Candidate application. This workflow type can be configured on an external/public site or using a launcher.
- Employee Application - An internal candidate applies for a job or joins a Talent Network within their organization, which results in an Employee Candidate application. This workflow type should only be configured on an internal Career Site.
- Last Updated
- Last Created
- Last Active (In current week, not in current week)
- Application Type
For each workflow, you can:
- Configure Content - Click on the name or the link to view the information on the Apply workflow.
- Delete Workflow - If not used, you can delete the workflow.
Filter by Workflow Type
Both Standard and Language Workflow list pages can be filtered by Workflow Type:
- All (default)
- Employee Application --> Internal Apply
- Standard Application --> External Apply
- Employee Referral
- Employee Survey
- Pre-Apply
Add Apply Workflow
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Apply, then click Workflows.
Click on +Workflow (or +Language Workflow) to create a new workflow. Based on your use case, choose the appropriate Workflow type.
You will then be directed to the Edit Workflow page to configure the rest of the features. Please see the Edit Workflow section for the details.
Edit Workflow
Choose an existing Workflow.
You can configure Global Strings (language workflows only) by clicking Workflow (Global).
Configure any global strings by clicking Edit.
You will be able to configure the following:
- A list of all locales configured for the Brand will be shown.
- Edit and change any strings needed.
- A dark purple arrow will be indicated if the string is different than the default. A grey arrow is shown if the string is the same as the default.
- Click Reset to return the string to default.
- Click Save to save translations.
Click Save.
At the top of the Workflow page, click Edit.
You can edit the name of the Workflow. NOTE: The name must be unique to your company.
Additional workflow options are outlined below in the Configure Workflow Steps, Configure Workflow Options, and Configure Other Settings sections.
Configure Workflow Steps
Under the Workflow Steps section, you can configure the following:
- Privacy Agreement - This step is typically used as an opt-in step and is shown as the first step of the application process. The user can opt-in to continue or not, and they must cancel or close the application.
- Welcome Page - This step is typically used to introduce the application process. You can also force collection of First Name, Last Name, and Email. You can add some custom questions. Finally, if an Agency uses it, you will collect the agency's information.
- Apply Social Media - This step is used to collect the resume from either uploading a resume, logging in to a social network, a cloud storage solution, or the page can be skipped. Depending on your use case, these options can be turned on or off.
- Application Review - This step reviews the extracted or collected data so far. The main review is the contact data section, the work history section, and the education section. You can control which fields to review, which are required, or which are optional.
- Candidate Questions (1-3) - In these steps, you can configure questions to collect from the candidate. Depending on the use case, you can group questions by type (e.g., marketing, company, OFCCP, VEVRA, etc.).
Dynamic Questions - If your job is configured with dynamic job-related questions (synced to Evolve RM (Talemetry) from the ATS), these questions will show up automatically on this step if you turn it on.
- NOTE: If you’re using the Evolve Suite, when adding questions, if the question is required in the ATS, it also needs to be required in Evolve RM (Talemetry).
- Final Page- This step typically shows a final submit page after the main part of the application is done. You can configure final questions and ask for EEO data (although custom questions are typically used for ATS).
- Additional Attachments – Use this page to request additional document attachments from candidates.
- Assessments - If your company requires the collection of an inline assessment, this step will be turned on. You would configure the assessment information to launch 3rd party integration.
Configure Workflow Options
Under the Workflow Options section, you can configure the following:
Output to ATS
- ON → The final candidate will be exported to the ATS (via a Resume XML output to RMX Enterprise).
- OFF → The final candidate does not get sent to RMX Enterprise.
- NOTE: One of Output to ATS or Output to Evolve RM (Talemetry) must be on.
ATS Source Mapping
- If using Output to ATS, configure this setting to map the Evolve RM (Talemetry) source to an ATS source when sending candidates to the ATS.
Output to Talemetry
- ON → The final candidate will be sent into Evolve RM (Talemetry) and will be indexed and searchable in Source/CRM. The candidate will be found in the Talent Network (if the Apply workflow is for joining a talent network), Job Candidate list (if the Apply workflow is for applying for a job), Agency list (if an agency uses the Apply workflow to submit a candidate), and in the general searchable Source pool.
- OFF → The final candidate is not sent into Evolve RM (Talemetry) Source/CRM.
- NOTE: One of Output to ATS or Output to Evolve RM (Talemetry) must be on.
- Workflow Tags - When a job has a job tag that matches a tag on a workflow, this workflow will be shown to the candidate. This allows you to have apply workflows geared towards specific brands, departments, divisions, regions, countries, or industries. Choose a tag that exists on one or more jobs. To enter more than one tag, separate with a comma (tags with spaces are allowed).
Allow Workflow Tag Override - Supplying a workflow tag prioritizes looking up and launching a different workflow if the tag exists.
- ON → A workflow tag on a workflow will be prioritized on a launch.
- Allowed Override Tags - A list of allowable workflow tags for this workflow. Combined with the Allow Workflow Tag Override.
Send Welcome Email after Completion - Email the candidate when the application is complete. This is an alternative to the ATS sending this email (Apply for Jobs use case) or Evolve RM (Talemetry) sending an email (Auto-email set up on Join Talent Network).
- ON → A welcome email will be sent after completing the apply workflow.
- OFF → A welcome email will not be sent.
- An email template can be configured to match the company branding chosen here. It is highly recommended that a branded template be created and used. A default system template will be used if an email template is not selected.
- There is an option to configure separately a template for Applying for Jobs (with an option for job merge codes to be used/resolved) or Join Talent Network (no job merge codes allowed).
- There is an option to configure the From User for the Welcome emails.
- NOTE: Send Welcome Email is available for the following Workflow Types - External Application, Employee Application, Employee Survey, and Employee Referral (required, sends email to candidate).
Enable Email Apply Later - Email Apply Later sends the candidate an email containing a unique URL to return to the step.
- ON → Apply Later will be available on the Apply Workflow. Each step in the workflow will contain a Continue Later button (text can be configured). The user will then be presented with a confirmation screen to enter the email address and confirm they are not a robot.
- OFF → Apply Later is not an option on the Apply Workflow.
- An email template can be configured to match the company branding chosen here. A default system template will be used if an email template is not selected.
- From User for Apply Later Emails - Choose a name from the list of company users to appear as a sender on the Apply Later emails.
- Email Apply Later Button Text - The text of the Continue Later button. Only used if Enable Email Apply Later is ON
Show Employee ID Field - Show or hide the Employee ID field on the Welcome page. This option is for Employee Application and Employee Survey types only.
- ON → The employee ID field is shown and visible to candidates. It is not editable.
- OFF → The employee ID field is not shown or visible to candidates.
- NOTE: The employee id is passed in the background to the ATS.
Invite to Continue - When a candidate starts an Apply workflow but does not continue, send them an invitation to continue the application where they left off.
- ON → If a candidate starts but does not complete an Apply workflow, they will receive an email inviting them to complete their application.
- When the candidate clicks on the Job Apply link in the email, they will return to the last completed Apply Workflow step.
- All the data that they entered up to that point will be preserved.
- The email will be sent approximately one hour after they drop off or do not complete the Apply workflow.
- The email is only sent if the candidate closes their browser. It is not sent if the candidate answers Yes to Are you sure you want to cancel?
NOTE: When the candidate clicks on the apply link in the email, the following checks will be made:
- Has this application been completed already (i.e., the combination of company/apply workflow/job or talent network/candidate)? If yes, the candidate will be shown an error message saying the application has already been completed.
- Is the job still active (i.e., not closed/archived)? If not, an error message will be shown to the candidate, saying that the job is no longer available.
- Is the apply instance still available? Temporary apply instances are kept for at most 90 days. If the apply instance is not found, the user will be shown an error message.
- OFF → Candidate will not receive a continue later email.
- An email template can be configured to match the company branding chosen here. A default system template will be used if an email template is not selected.
- From User for Invite to Continue Emails - Choose a name from the list of company users to appear as a sender on the Invite to Continue emails.
Language - The language of the Apply workflow (standard workflows only).
- The default is English.
- A standard Apply workflow can only be in one language.
- The user is prompted if they want all the default text to be set to that language. For example - Step and button labels.
- The user can configure all the text to whatever they want.
- When the workflow is shown to the user, all the system text, error messages, and default text are in the configured language.
- Fullscreen – This option will attempt to launch the Apply workflow as a full browser tab (not in a popup).
Hide Cancel - Determines if a cancel option is available. The best practice is to not have a cancel button in some ATS integrations when it is in a popup.
- ON → Cancel button is shown on all pages.
- OFF → Cancel button is not shown on any pages.
Return Transaction ID - Append the RMX transaction ID to the redirection URL when the candidate application is completed.
- Defaults to OFF.
- NOTE: Ensure this is not turned on if you use this workflow for Job Board Apply with Screening questions (for example, Indeed Apply and Zip Apply).
- Dynamic Questions Category Tags - When Dynamic Questions are configured for a job and are split into categories, the questions with the category tag specified in this field will be shown in this workflow. For example, some questions are tagged as internal, and other questions are tagged as external. When Internal is entered in the Dynamic Questions Category Tags field, only the questions with the internal tag will be shown with the current workflow. NOTE: Questions tagged as all will be included in the workflow by default. You can enter multiple tags if they are comma-separated. The tags are case-sensitive.
- Hide Job Details - If this is turned on when the apply workflow is launched to a candidate for a job, the job details at the top and bottom of the Apply workflow will be hidden. The main use case is for internal job applications (where the details may differ from the standard job description).
- Workflow Branding - This setting controls the branding used when launching for the candidate. By default, a simple black-and-white setting is used.
Configure Other Settings
- Return Multiple Choice Answer ID - Determines how Evolve RM (Talemetry) will send back question answers to the ATS.
- ON → The multiple-choice answer IDs chosen by the candidate will be sent to the ATS (when using Output to ATS).
- OFF → The multiple-choice answer text chosen by the candidate will be sent to the ATS (when using Output to ATS).
- Apply Credentials - By default, the Apply Credentials in Apply Workflow Settings are used for all apply workflows. If you want a different setting per workflow (when using Output to ATS), you can configure specific credentials here.
- Apply Key Launcher - If you are not using career sites or want to launch an Apply workflow based on a URL, turn this option on. You will be given a URL to use in an email footer or on a custom career site. You can pass in a series of parameters (the main one being the external job ID).
- Override Job Workflow - The Apply Launcher can be configured to override a job workflow tag. By default, this setting is turned off, i.e., the workflow tag in the job passed with the launcher URL is considered, and the workflow with the specified tag is used. If the override job workflow setting is turned on for your apply workflow, the workflow tag in the job passed with the launcher URL will be ignored, and your current apply workflow will be used.
Delete Workflow
Within Evolve RM, navigate to Apply, then click Workflows.
Click delete beside the workflow you want to remove.
Click Confirm.
NOTE: Be careful not to delete workflows that are being used.