Dispositions for Rejected Offer



You can require your recruiters to choose a reason (Disposition) when a candidate rejects an offer. This will allow you to analyze why candidates are rejecting offers and improve your recruiting process over time.



Create a List of Dispositions

As a best practice, you want to create an appropriate list of dispositions for recruiters to choose from.

Navigate to your user menu > ADMIN > ATS > Candidate Dispositions

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Click Add Disposition.

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When selecting a disposition for Offer Rejected, there will need to be options that simply are irrelevant when a recruiter has decided to reject a candidate. S me suggested dispositions for this purpose include:
  • Offer Rescinded
  • Compensation
  • Counter Offer/Competitor

NOTE: You must complete the above step before enabling the feature. If you don’t, recruiters will not have the option to properly disposition candidates.

The above suggestions may fit into a broader set of dispositions, including selections showing which party (the company or the candidate) decided to stop the process. Here is at least a representative sample of this concept:
  • Company Not Interested - Selected More Qualified Applicant
  • Company Not Interested - Does Not Meet Qualifications
  • Company Not Interested – Offer Rescinded
  • Company Not Interested – Closed Requisition
  • Applicant Not Interested – Compensation
  • Applicant Not Interested – Counter offer / Current Company
  • Applicant Not Interested – Counter offer / Competitor
  • Applicant Not Interested – Withdrew from consideration

NOTE: As you consider adding new dispositions or modifying your list, it is best practice not to delete any currently used dispositions, as any candidates attached to that disposition will then have a blank on their record. 

Name your Disposition, then click Save.

Enable Dispositions

Navigate to your user menu > ADMIN > ATS > View Candidate Settings

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Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Edit.

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Locate Require recruiters to provide a disposition when an offer is rejected by candidate and click Enabled

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Click Save.

NOTE: It is best practice not to delete any dispositions, as any candidates attached to that disposition will have a blank on their record. 
Agencies can view the Status (Rejected in the ATS will show as Not Selected to the agency); however, they will not see the disposition field for any applications.
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