Setup Approval Chains



If your organization has a process for gaining approvals to open a requisition or finalize a candidate offer, it is best practice to document those approvals within the Evolve ATS system. Using other methods can create confusion about the status of the requisition or a pending offer and leave gaps in your reporting regarding time-to-fill or other metrics. This article explains options for approval chains and how to properly set them up for your new requisitions and job offers.

You can create approval chains for opening a requisition and generating an offer letter based on your employee structure. You can have up to nine approvals for requisitions and the same (or a different set) of up to nine for offers. 

NOTE: If your company has complex approval chains that require more than nine steps or hardcoded approval chains, you must submit a Help Center ticket for assistance.



Job Approver Role

To be included in approvals, an approver must have the Job Approver role in their Users tab. To do so, click your user menu > Users.

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Click View Employee List. Then, select the desired employee's name to edit their role setting. 

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Click Edit in the middle of the record. 

In the Role field, enter Job Approver and select it.

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Click Save.

NOTE: The employee must accept their invitation to Evolve to be an approver.

Approval Options

There are three approval options available in Evolve ATS:

  • Drop-downs
  • Organizational Structure
  • Hardcoded


All approvers can be listed in a drop-down. Those seeking the approval of a requisition or offer proposal will be allowed/required to select the specified number of approvers that should receive their approval request. 

Navigate to your user menu > Admin > ATS > View Approval Settings

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NOTE: If you search Approval Notifications in Admin > ATS, you can select to notify people each time a requisition or offer has been approved. They will not be on the approval chain but will receive an email once the approval has gone through the entire approval chain. These notification settings will also apply if using the organizational or hardcoded approval chain types. 

Click Edit in the Job requisition approval workflow section.

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Select Enable and add the desired number of approvers from the drop-down menu.

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Click Save.

Organizational Structure

Evolve Support can use an organizational structure to govern approval flows (an employee CSV file will be used for this). The organizational structure is driven by the primary hiring manager listed on the requisition and defined in the employee file by navigating to your user menu > Users > Manage Employee Fields > Organizational Fields.

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The most basic form is Include the manager of the primary hiring manager at this approval level, but additional organizational levels can be configured as well.

Hardcoded Approvals

Evolve Support can specify that the approver should be a specific person or selected from a list of specific employees. Hardcoded approvals indicate that a level of the approval process should be defined as a single approver or allow selecting a single approver from a group of names. This differs from the drop-down with all approvers in that only the names are configured for that level, and not all users have the Job Approver role. 

NOTE: Conditional chains are best built by starting with the people you always want to be included, then adding users you only sometimes want, and the conditions under which you want them to be included. 

Multiple chains can be configured if needed and are usually used when there is an entirely different approval process based on the requisition: location, Department, or other variable. Conditional statements can be applied to each approval level or to an entire chain and are best used to say, "Include this chain or approver when X is true."

Conditions can be based on a requisition or candidate field value or on a value associated with the requisition's primary hiring manager, such as their name, email, or title. If a value is not tracked in Evolve as a requisition, candidate, or employee field, it cannot be used for a conditional statement. 

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