Import Contacts



Within Evolve ATS, you can import (upload) multiple new contact records using the Import Contacts wizard in the Pipeline tab.


Engage Users

Import Contacts

From the Evolve ATS Dashboard, navigate to the Pipeline tab.

pipleline tab.png

Click Import Contacts.

import contacts.png

On the Import Contacts pop-up, you have the following options:

  • Upload files – If you wish to use an Excel file to import your contact records. Other options include uploading resumes in Word, PDF, or ZIP formats. NOTE: For import via Word, PDF, or ZIP files, there is a 1,000-item limit per import. If you use an Excel file, the practical limit is about 3,000 records per import.
  • Download Contact Import Template – You can download an Excel template to import your contacts.
    • Update existing matches – This option will update existing contact records with new information.
    • Import and create duplicates – This option will create a duplicate contact record with updated information.
    • Skip duplicates – This option will skip duplicates.
  • Notes – You can add notes to the imported contact file(s).
  • Tags – You can add tags to the imported contact file(s). Please see the Tag Management article for more information.
  • Add to an Email Campaign – You can add the imported contacts to an email campaign.  

import contacts popup2.png

Click Import.

Once the import is complete, you will receive an email of the results.

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