Synchronize (Sync) automatically creates, updates, or deletes employees/users in Evolve ATS.
Manual sync is required prior to the first run of the SFTP. This initial sync establishes the field mapping that the SFTP sync will use. Additionally, any changes to the format of the file being sent via SFTP will require a manual sync first to update the field mapping.
Use Cases
- Employee sync processes create new employees/users in Evolve ATS by adding First Name, Last Name, Email, or the appropriate roles.
- Employee sync process can update information for existing employees/users, for example:
- New email address
- Change in role(s)
- Employee sync process can delete existing employees/users (requires End Date to be past or current date – cannot be future)
Best Practices
- Sync should be done often to ensure that the employees/users who should have access to the system do so and that those who are no longer your company's employees can no longer access Evolve.
- Include Employee ID/User ID to ensure no duplicate employees are added.
- Test your imports in staging first to avoid losing information in your live/production environment.
- Before testing with a large file, try testing with one line to see if any errors occur.
- Especially if you have an integration, it's essential to work with Evolve and test in staging before updating to the new employee sync.
- Before requesting the new sync be enabled, download your current employee list as a backup file.
- Separate your upload files so that one file adds or Updates users and one file Deletes users—this ensures that all users aren't deleted by accidental error.
- If the customer has custom roles, they need to be added to the roles column as the role code, not the role name.
Employee Sync
There are three methods of Employee Sync:
- Manual Sync
Manual Sync
Manual Sync allows data to be imported from a file saved on a desktop. This is ideal for companies of any size looking to make a handful of changes.
Navigate to your user menu > Users.
Click Import Data and View Status Log.
Click Import Employees.
Click Upload File and select the CSV file from your desktop.
NOTE: You can download the template for more information on the specific fields.
Select any desired options:
- Send invite email to employees – When selected, an invite will be sent to each new user to validate their account.
- Full Sync – When selected, any user not included in this file will be deleted/deactivated from the system.
Click Next.
Match the columns in your upload file to those enabled in Manage Employee Fields.
Click Submit.
SFTP is more automated than Manual Sync. To configure SFTP, submit a Help Center ticket.
Once SFTP is enabled, the details will be shared with you. Inside Evolve ATS, you can adjust the settings by navigating to your user menu > users, where SFTP Settings will be available. Click View Data Sync Settings to set up a schedule.
API offers real-time integration between systems. Your IT team must send the data file to Evolve ATS.
Examples of errors include:
- If individual records have errors, it will look like this:
- If the entire file has an error, it will look like this: