Overview Tab within Candidate Profile



The Overview tab on the candidate profile in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) shows the extracted data from the candidate's primary profile. This data also includes the Apply Questions and Answers linked to that primary profile.


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Candidate Profile Overview Tab

Navigate to the Talent tab, then run a search for the desired candidate.

search talent.png

There are two ways to view the candidate's profile:

  • Click a candidate’s name, or

candidate profile.png

  • On the candidate card, select the menu icon, then click View Profile.

candidate profile 2.png

The candidate’s profile opens with the Overview tab selected by default.

Overview tab details.png

The Overview tab includes the following content:

  • Shortcut icons are provided for easier navigation on the Overview tab. You can click on a shortcut icon to navigate to the corresponding section.
    • Briefcase icon – This icon will take you to the Experience section.
    • Graduation Cap icon – This icon will take you to the Education section.
    • Profile icon – This icon will take you to the Biography section.
    • Graph icon - This icon will take you to the Timeline section.

shortcut icons.png

NOTE: If the candidate’s primary profile changes, the Overview tab will display the data related to the new primary profile.

  • Experience – This shows the list of employment records, including (if available for extraction) job title, company, location, employment dates, and job description.

Experience section.png

  • Education – This shows the list of education records, including (if available for extraction) degree name, major, school name, location, and dates.

Education section.png

  • Biography – This shows the Summary and/or Objective, if available for extraction.

bio section.png

  • Timeline – This visually represents the candidate's work history and education history on a timeline.

Timeline section.png

  • Apply Questions and Answers – This shows the questions and answers that the candidate filled out as part of the apply workflow when they joined a talent network, registered for an event, or with an agency submission. NOTE: The Overview tab will only show the questions with the Show on Profile option selected on the question setup in Apply. Please see Questions (Apply Workflow) for additional information.

apply questions and answers section.png

Edit Candidate Profile

You can edit the extracted data on the Overview tab, including add/delete/edit any Work, Education, or Biography. The Apply Q&A section is not editable. The Timeline is updated automatically based on the default profile's Work History and Education history.


Click + Add new Employment History.

Add new employment history.png

Fill in the new Employment History record.

add new employment history details.png

Click Save to save your record or Cancel to discard the changes.

When the record is saved, it will be displayed in the Experience section in chronological order based on the End Date.

To edit a record, hover your mouse over the record you want to edit and click the edit icon.

edit employment history.png

As the new Employment History record opens in edit mode, you can update any field as needed.

add new employment history details.png

Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

To delete a record, hover the mouse over the record you want to edit and click the delete icon.

Delete employment history.png


Click + Add new Education History.

add education history.png

Fill in the new Education History record.

add edu history details.png

Click Save to save your record or Cancel to discard the changes. When the record is saved, it will be displayed in the Education section in chronological order based on the End Date.

To edit a record, hover the mouse over the record you want to edit and click the edit icon.

edit edu history.png

As the new Education History record opens in edit mode, you can update any field as needed.

add edu history details.png

Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

To delete a record, hover the mouse over the record you want to delete and click the delete icon.

delete edu history.png


Click + Add new Biography.

add new bio.png

Enter the required Summary and/or Objective information.

add bio details.png

Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

Hover over the extracted text and click the edit icon to edit the extracted biography information.

edit bio.png

Update the Summary and Objective as needed.

add bio details.png

Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.




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