In Evolve RM, you can easily work with your talent pool, review resumes and other candidate details, and perform actions on the candidates.
Hiring Managers and Recruiters
Candidate Summary
A Candidate Summary is designed to give you an overview of the displayed candidate without leaving the results list. The following elements are displayed on the summary (providing that the data is available on the resume):
- Candidate Name – First and last name
- Contact Details – Location, phone number, email, and personal URL.
- Membership – Shows the talent lists where this candidate is saved.
- Consent – Displays the value for candidates who have specified their consent to be emailed or texted. The consent filter will use the value of the most recent across all profiles of the candidate.
- Source – Source of the candidate’s main profile and (below the + icon) are sources of all other available profiles of that candidate.
- Updated – The last time the profile was changed in RM.
- Age of Resume – How long ago the candidate’s main profile was created in RM.
- Candidate Engagement Score – Level of candidate engagement and the date when they were last active. Actions performed by a candidate create their engagement score. Each day of inactivity decreases the score. After six months of inactivity, a candidate with Very High engagement will go down to Inactive.
- Work History – Job title and company of the two most recent work records.
- Recent Activities – The two most recent activities performed on that candidate’s record.
- Tags – Searchable tags that have been added to the candidate record.
- Lifecycle State – Current Lifecycle state of the candidate.
- Audience Type – Audience types where the candidate is assigned.
NOTE: Evolve RM uses the candidate’s email to identify and merge candidates.
Candidate Profile
The Candidate Profile in Source & CRM allows users to see all information available on a candidate. The profile can be accessed by clicking a candidate’s name. It consists of the following sections:
- Main – This area includes the candidate’s information and information found on the Candidate Summary. This section also includes several tabs that present all information available in CRM on that candidate: Overview, Profile, Messages, Applications, Reviews, Referrals, Lists, Other Fields, Visits, and Attachments.
- Action Menu
- Notes – This area is where users can add notes to the candidate profile and view notes posted by other users.
- Activity – This area includes a thread of all actions performed on that candidate by all CRM users. The main profile section has several candidate Summary, Overview tab, Profile tab, Messages tab, Applications tab, Reviews tab, Referrals tab, Lists tab, Other Fields tab, Visits tab, and Attachments tab.
The Action Menu within the profile will allow you to perform the following actions (up to 25,000 candidates at a time).
- Add Notes/Tags
- Move candidates to Jobs or Folders
- Send communications – Email and SMS
- Set/Change Audience and Lifecycle
- Hide candidates on your saved talent list
- Copy Public Profile URL
- Send Email / Send Mass
- Send Text / Send Mass Text
- Add/Remove Email Campaign
Overview Tab
The Overview tab provides the candidate’s Experience, Education, Biography, and a Timeline based on their history.
Profiles Tab
The Profiles tab shows all resumes available in the CRM for the candidate. The resume displayed by default is defined by the system or selected manually by a company user. It has been used by the system for data extraction. If additional resumes are found, their sources are listed next to the candidate’s name in the profile header. The sources are hyperlinked and when clicked, they open the corresponding resume.
When multiple profiles are available for the candidate, a dropdown list will be available where users can select to view additional profiles. The primary profile and other profiles are always ordered by the Age of Resume with the most recent being first.
NOTE: For Agency and Talent Network profiles, the list of profiles shows the name of the Talent Network and Agency next to the source name. The list also shows the Age of Resume and the last Updated date for each profile. ATS profiles imported via API show the ATS ID on the list of profiles, next to the source name, and on the tab when the ATS profile is selected to be viewed.
You can select any profile to view, edit, or even set it as the primary profile.
NOTE: The next time the candidate is viewed the primary profile will be the one displayed.
Messages Tab
The Messages tab displays the communication history, detailing all emails and SMS messages sent to the candidate, SMS messages received from the candidate, and email communication with the candidate forwarded by recruiters from their inbox to CRM. You will see the date the communication was sent, the subject line, and the delivery status. If you want to see the content of the message, click the subject line.
When recruiters communicate with potential candidates through email, they want this conversation to be visible on the candidate’s profile once the candidate is created in Evolve RM. The Forward External Emails feature will allow recruiters to forward or BCC their email communication with candidates to Evolve RM. The system will look up the candidate by the email address used in the forward conversation. If the match is found, the conversation will be attached to the candidate’s profile.
Applications Tab
The Applications tab contains information about the Candidate ID in the ATS, the application history (i.e. what jobs they applied for in the ATS and where they are in the ATS process), and the referral history (i.e. what deemed source and sub-source they are in the ATS). The specific data shown on this tab is dependent on the ATS integration.
Referrals Tab
The Referrals tab displays the referral details if the candidate was referred by someone. The tab includes details of the referrer, when the referral happened, the status, and incentive eligibility.
Lists Tab
The Lists tab shows the talent lists where the candidate is saved including Folders, Jobs, Talent Network, Imports, Agency, and the email campaigns where the candidate has been enrolled.
Visits Tab
The Visits tab shows information about the career site visits that a candidate in Evolve RM has had in the past on a company’s RM Career Site. This includes:
- When they visited a Career Site(s)
- Statistics on each visit, including jobs viewed, pages viewed, searches run, and job notifications created (visible when the visit record is expanded)
Other Fields Tab
The Other Fields tab shows data of the Custom Fields that was collected for that Candidate on any of their profiles, the values of the standard fields (Department, Business Unit, Primary Brand, Primary Locale if configured and available on the candidate), as well as the editable Do Not Contact and Do Not Hire checkboxes.
The tab shows all fields (custom or standard) that have been configured to show on the profile.
The fields are shown as a single list ordered alphabetically.
Each field displays:
- Field Name - The name configured for that custom field in CRM.
- Field Value - The value that the candidate has for that field.
- Source - The source of the value, which is either the profile source or the manual update.
- Last Updated - The date of the Field Value.
NOTE: If an ATS profile is updated (resynced) from the ATS with an updated custom field value, the Last Updated date for that field will be the date when the changed value was synced into RM.
- Edit - Those fields where Allow Edit on Profile is turned on, have the edit control (user privilege is required)
- Show All - Available for candidates that have custom fields on multiple profiles, allows to see additional values for that field passed with other profiles. Each additional value shows the source of the corresponding profile.
The fields configured as editable, get individual Edit controls. Edit All is also available to open all editable fields in edit mode and save all changes with one click.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab shows non-resume attachments that are saved on that candidate’s record. The attachments include those collected from the candidate via Apply Workflow, synced from ATS, or added manually by recruiters who have the Edit Candidate privilege. Each attachment record shows:
- Name – The file name with the extension
- Description – An editable description of the attachment (e.g. cover letter or certificate, etc.)
- Date Added – The date when the attachment was saved on the candidate.
- Added By – Who added the attachment:
- Apply for attachments collected through Apply
- Talemetry API for attachments synced from ATS
- Name of the recruiter who added the attachments to the profile
The total number of non-resume attachments that are available for the candidate is displayed within the tab.
NOTE: Attachments are not searchable.