In Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM), the Add/Remove Email Campaign popup allows you to add candidates to an email campaign or remove candidates from multiple email campaigns. You can perform one action at a time or make a selection in both the Add and Remove sections, and you can perform both actions on one set of candidates.
For example, you can remove your list of candidates from Campaign A and Campaign B and then add them to Campaign C within the same popup.
The Add to Email Campaign section has a single-select dropdown with the list of email campaigns that still accept candidates, i.e., campaigns in New or Scheduled status or Ongoing campaigns in In Progress status.
The Remove from Email Campaign section has a multi-select list of all non-completed or non-canceled email campaigns in the account. Campaigns not created by the logged-in user show the owner’s name in brackets.
- You cannot select the same campaign in both the Add and Remove sections for the same action.
- Candidates with invalid or unsubscribed email addresses or those with rejected consent to be emailed will not be added to the email campaign.
- Candidates who have completed the campaign (i.e., received its last email) cannot be removed.
- Candidates who are removed from an email campaign before receiving the first email will not be reflected in the analytics of that campaign. However, they can be re-added to the same campaign.
All Users
Must have Mass/Drip Email privileges in Source
Add Candidates to Email Campaigns
Navigate to the Talent tab, then run a search for the desired candidate.
Click the menu icon on the list of candidates with or without page selection or on a single candidate profile. Select Add/Remove Email Campaign.
On the Manage Email Campaigns for All pop-up, click Select Email Campaign. Candidates can be added to any campaign that has not started (New or Scheduled status) or ongoing campaigns that are In Progress.
NOTE: Candidates with invalid or unsubscribed email addresses or candidates with Email Consent: No will not be added to the email campaigns.
If you need to enroll candidates in an ongoing campaign with the first email scheduled for later, select the Delay enrollment in Ongoing Campaign checkbox and choose the date and the time of the first email.
NOTE: Delayed enrollment is only available when recipients are added manually to ongoing email campaigns. It is not supported in ongoing campaigns configured as an auto-email.
Click Save. The membership on the Email Campaign screen will be displayed on the candidate profile Lists tab.
With delayed enrollment, the candidate is assigned the Enrolled status and is included in the total count of the email campaign recipients. The first email is displayed on the profile Future Emails tab for Scheduled or In-Progress email campaigns.
Remove Candidates from Email Campaigns
Navigate to the Talent tab, then run a search for the desired candidate.
Click the menu icon on a list of candidates with or without page selection or on a single candidate profile. Select Add/Remove Email Campaign.
Click the x next to the email campaign(s) from the Remove from Email Campaign section.
NOTE: Candidates removed from an email campaign before the campaign has started will not appear on the campaign report and can be added to that campaign again. Candidates who have completed the campaign cannot be removed from it.
Click Save.
Notifications are created for the following email campaign actions:
- Scheduled/Rescheduled
- Email Sent (Single Use campaigns only)
- Completed
- Cancelled
- Paused
- Resumed
- Error
Notifications are displayed to the campaign owner as "toast" messages and notifications in the notifications center.
A toast notification is displayed when the Add/Remove Email Campaign action is completed on a single candidate summary or profile.
A toast with confirmation is displayed when the Add/Remove Email Campaign action is completed on a list of selected or all candidates.
A notification is created in the Notifications Center. The View Here link in the notification opens the corresponding email campaign.
Notifications about email campaign cancellations, pauses, or errors are also emailed to the campaign owner.
View Recipients List
To view the list of email campaign recipients, navigate to the Campaigns tab > Messages dropdown > Email Campaigns.
You can view Recipients in two ways:
- From the Email Campaigns page, select the number under the Recipients column.
- Select the campaign name, then click the number under the Recipients campaign header.
Recipients Limit
There is no limit on the number of recipients for ongoing campaigns.
Single Use campaigns limit the number of recipients to the limit of mass email recipients set for the account (Mass Email User field on Single Email Limits screen). The limit is applied on a per-campaign basis.
Click the name of the desired Single Use campaign on the Email Campaigns page.
The limit is shown under the Recipients campaign header.