LinkedIn CRM Connect



The LinkedIn CRM Connect integration allows two-way data exchange between Evolve CRM and LinkedIn Recruiter. CRM candidates with a LinkedIn profile will show their LinkedIn data in CRM and vice versa. When viewed on LinkedIn Recruiter, their profile will show their activity in CRM.

See the LinkedIn CRM Connect Authorization article for information on activating the CRM Connect Integration.

Once LinkedIn CRM Connect has been authorized, the following processes and features will be activated:

  • Data Sync
  • LinkedIn Profile tab
  • LinkedIn CRM Connect folder



Data Sync

When your company admin authorized the CRM Connect integration, the following historical and new data was synced between your CRM instance and LinkedIn Recruiter.

  • Candidates
    • Primary Profile
    • Resume
    • Recruiter-Candidate interactions:
      • Email (date, sender, subject)
      • Text (date, sender, content)
      • Note (date, author, content)
    • Talent Lists:
      • Jobs (name, ID)
      • Folders (name, ID, owner)
      • Talent Networks (name, ID)
    • Candidate‘s memberships in Jobs, Folders, and Talent Networks with their current CRM stage.


New Profile Tab – LinkedIn

A new LinkedIn profile tab will appear in all candidate profiles when the integration is enabled.

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The tab shows a widget coming from LinkedIn. If the matching profile is found on LinkedIn, the level of details included in the widget depends on whether the user is logged into LinkedIn Recruiter in that browser or not.

Users who don’t have a LinkedIn Recruiter license can view the public LinkedIn profile but cannot perform actions available for LinkedIn Recruiter users.

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Shared Folder – LinkedIn CRM Connect

When the account integration is activated, a LinkedIn CRM Connect folder is created and shared with all CRM users. This folder will always be available in LinkedIn Recruiter for a one-click export of LinkedIn candidates into CRM.

Merged Candidates

When candidates with matching LinkedIn profiles are merged in Evolve RM, the LinkedIn profile associated with the remaining candidate will populate the LinkedIn tab.


Recruiters can send an InMail message from the LinkedIn widget in the CRM profile and view the history of their InMail communication with that person in the Recruiting activities tab within the widget.

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Suppose a LinkedIn member accepts your InMail and agrees to share their contacts. In that case, CRM Connect will automatically update the CRM profile with the email address and, if available, the phone number. If that person is not in your CRM, their LinkedIn profile will be created with the contact details, location, job title, and current company.

In LinkedIn Recruiter

View Profile

You can click View profile in Recruiter on the candidate’s LinkedIn tab to open the matching profile in LinkedIn Recruiter.

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There, you will see the ATS & CRM tab that will show the following information:

  • Talent Pipelines - Folders, Jobs, and Talent networks where the candidate has membership in CRM.
  • Activity History - Recruiters' interaction (emails, texts, and notes) with that candidate in CRM within the past 12 months.
  • Profile - Link to that candidate in the CRM and their basic information there (recent company, title, location, email, and source(s)
  • Resume - Downloadable resume of that candidate in CRM.

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Candidates with Do Not Contact or Do Not Hire fields in the CRM will be marked with Do not contact in LinkedIn Recruiter.

One-click Export

This feature allows sourcers to export a candidate’s profile from LinkedIn Recruiter to the CRM, linking it to one or more jobs or folders and adding a note to the imported profile. The candidate will be created in Evolve RM with the source LinkedIn.

In LinkedIn Recruiter, find a LinkedIn member you want to export to Evolve RM.

In the actions menu of that member’s profile, select Export to CRM.

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 3.04.10 PM.png

Fill in the Export form:

  • CRM talent pipeline - Type the pipeline name where you want to export and select from the list of matching results. You can choose multiple pipelines for the export.
  • Candidate Email - If you know the email of the LinkedIn member, enter the email in the Candidate email field.
  • Notes - Optionally, type a note that will be added to the exported profile in Evolve RM.

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Click Export.

The profile will be exported into Evolve RM with the source LinkedIn and will show the person’s name, location, two recent positions, education history, and LinkedIn profile URL.  

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 3.04.25 PM.png

Activities are recorded on the exported candidate, indicating that the profile was created and added to a folder(s) or job(s) by LinkedIn CRM Connect.

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Notes added to the LinkedIn profile during the export have LinkedIn CRM Connect as the author.

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If a person with the same email address exists in Evolve RM, the LinkedIn profile will be merged with the existing person. The primary profile will be determined by the rule specified for the account.

The system will look for a candidate with a matching LinkedIn member ID if a LinkedIn profile is exported without an email address. If a candidate linked to the same LinkedIn member ID already exists in the account, the exported profile will be merged with that candidate. The primary profile will be determined by the rule specified for the account.

NOTE: if the LinkedIn member whose profile was exported into the CRM deletes their LinkedIn profile, their exported profile is also deleted in Evolve RM.

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