The Email Campaigns feature in Evolve Recruitment Marketing (RM) allows marketers and recruiters to build sequences of emails that will be sent automatically to statically or dynamically defined audiences.
On the Email Campaigns page, you can view active, completed, or canceled email campaigns, perform actions on campaigns depending on their status, and create new campaigns. The page allows you to filter the campaigns list by Campaign Type or Status and sort the list by any field.
All Users
Must have Mass/Drip Email privileges in Source
Campaign Status
You can edit email campaigns with some restrictions depending on the campaign status.
- New or Scheduled Status - Campaigns, where no email has been sent yet, are fully editable.
- In Progress Status - Once a campaign has started, editing is limited to the campaign name or email names only. If any other field on an active campaign needs to be edited, the campaign must be paused first.
- Paused Status - Campaigns on hold allow you to edit any field in the campaign or emails, update exit rules, or add more emails. NOTE: You cannot change the Type on an active campaign (i.e., switch from Single Use to Ongoing or vice versa) or delete emails.
- Completed or Cancelled Status - Only the campaign name can be edited.
Edit Campaign
Navigate to Campaigns > Messages > Email Campaigns.
Click the menu icon, then select Edit.
You can update any editable field in the campaign.
Once you’re done editing the campaign, click Save.
Pause/ Resume Campaign
You can pause running email campaigns. While the campaign is in Paused status, all emails scheduled to be sent will be put on hold. Once the campaign has resumed, the email schedule will resume.
Pause Email Campaign
Navigate to Campaigns > Messages > Email Campaigns.
Locate the campaign you want to pause.
You can either:
- Click the menu icon and select Pause.
- Click the campaign name to open it, then click Pause.
Click OK to confirm you want to pause the email campaign.
NOTE: If the pause action is confirmed while an email is being sent, that email will not be interrupted and will finish being sent to all recipients. Subsequent emails will be paused.
Auto-Pause Email Campaign
Suppose a job used in an email campaign is archived. If a career site is unpublished or someone listed as a campaign sender is deleted, the email campaign will be paused automatically to prevent sending emails with missing data. The campaign will get a visual indicator of the problem. You can edit the campaign to select a valid job, career site, or a different sender. Once this information is updated, you can resume the email campaign.
Resume Email Campaign
Navigate to the Email Campaign screen and locate the campaign you want to resume. You can either:
- Click the menu icon and select Resume.
- Click the campaign name to open it, then click Resume.
Click OK to confirm you want to resume the email campaign.
The email campaign will be resumed. The first email that was supposed to be sent while the campaign was paused will be sent as soon as possible. Then, the subsequent emails will be sent with the delay specified in the original schedule. If the campaign resumes before the first paused email, the original schedule will send the email.
Complete Campaign
Ongoing email campaigns don’t have an end date. They can stay active and available for new recipients at any time. You can complete the campaign when an ongoing campaign is no longer needed.
NOTE: The Complete and Cancel actions are different. Cancel will stop the campaign immediately without an option to resume, while Complete will finish the campaign.
Navigate to the Email Campaign screen and locate the campaign you want to complete. You can either:
- Click the menu icon and select Complete.
- Click the campaign name, then click the action menu and select Complete.
Click OK to confirm you want to complete the email campaign.
This campaign will move to the Completing status. This will make it unavailable for new recipients, but existing recipients will go through the campaign cycle. When all enrolled recipients have received all emails in the campaign, the campaign status will be changed to Completed.
Cancel Campaign
Sometimes, a campaign must be stopped as soon as possible for various reasons. You can cancel the campaign. This action will immediately stop sending emails. If an email is in the middle of being sent to a large group of recipients, the process will be interrupted. NOTE: A canceled email campaign cannot be resumed.
Navigate to the Email Campaign screen and click the menu icon next to the campaign you want to cancel.
Click Cancel.
Click OK to confirm.
All emails will be stopped, and the email campaign status will be updated to Cancelled.